Yet Another Example of Why You Should Only Turn To The Political Vine For Your Political News

Friday, July 11, 2003

Rumors have it that another online (cough! cough!) "political newsletter" (cough! cough! gackk!) has sent out an edition containing the following information:

"Governor Perdue has named his new House Floor Leader, State Rep. Mark Burkhalter, replacing Bill Stephens who was recently elected Senate Majority Leader.

The original source of this information was this morning's AJC Political Insider column, edited by Jim Galloway and Tom Baxter.

PV Explains The BIG Problem Here: Unless the Governor, the State House, and the State Senate have somehow changed the Georgia Constitution in the previous session of the Georgia Legislature without anyone being aware of it, it is patently impossible for State Rep. Mark Burkhalter to "replace," as the other "political newsletter" claims he has done, State Senator Bill Stephens as the Senate Floor Leader.

See, to those who are somewhat tuned-in to Georgia politics, or even basic politics in general, the average Joe/Jill knows that there is a distinct difference between the State Senate and the State House.

So distinct, in fact, that a State House member must actually resign his/her seat, and THEN get elected (by the voters) to be a State Senator. And, THEN, once someone becomes a State Senator, then one would become eligible to serve as a Senate Floor Leader. But, not before.

Though we respect Mark Burkhalter's achievement, and congratulate him for being the Governor's choice for Georgia State House Floor Leader, we caution him against declaring (as the other "political newsletter" reports that he has done) that he has replaced Senator Bill Stephens as Senate Floor Leader.

Thank you for your time, and the opportunity to better inform and educate you on what goes on in Georgia politics.

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