Shake-up in the Governor's Office

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Rumors have it that John Watson is replacing Eric Tanenblatt as Governor Perdue's Chief of Staff, effective on January 1, 2004.

PV Cautions The Perdue Insiders Who Have Been Claiming for 9 Months That Eric Would Be Out: First you claimed it would be after the 2003 Session. Then, you claimed it would be on June 1. Then, it was over the summer. Then, when Erin O'Brien was replaced by Dan McClagan, that was supposed to be the clue of Eric's impending departure. (By the way, Erin is now back in the Governor's office of Communication, so that theory can be shelved permanently.)

Even a broken clock tells the right time twice per day, but you guys have been wrong for so long that to claim that you always had the inside scoop on this shake-up is akin to people who short stock and claim "it'll go down before it goes'll go down before it goes up...", and when the price drops 5% nine months after their claim, and after the stock hit all-time highs, they go "See? See? I was right!"

PV Ponders The Dominoes: With Watson leaving the GOP Foundation, a position opens-up. Let's look at the possibilities:

Marilyn Gilhuly: After (not!) being the orchestrator of Perdue's win by a squeak in Cobb County, she would be an awesome replacement for Watson. Just make sure you folks check the status of the lawsuit filed against her and her husband by the public relations firm they hired to promote their book. Seems there has been a little thing called a breach of contract in paying the PR firm. Rumors have it that every time the sheriff's deputy visits them to deliver the subpoena, they shut-off all the lights and hide. Hey, here's a chance for the Governor to help out the Sheriff's office: invite the Gilhulys to another dinner at the Mansion and tip-off the Cobb County sheriff to come by for a serving of dessert replete with a serving of a subpoena.

Anthony-Scott Hobbs: What an even better choice for chairman of the Foundation! With Hobbs in charge, the State GOP will soon be able to boast to the RNC that they have 500,000 new members who will each be paying $1000 to the GOP. Of course, with the quarterly payment plan that Hobbs and Michael Altman have concocted for the cashflow analysis, this will mean that actual cash flow received will be on the order of $7,450 net to the party.

Ex-Judge Roy Moore: With Moore recently losing his job due to him breaking his oath of office, there is a huge opportunity here to put the face of a man who holds his rule of religious preference above any other law right smack dab in a seat where he can raise a lot of money for the party by giving away Ten Commandments replicas of his own display.

BJ Van Gundy: They say if you want to get something done, give it to a busy man. Why not Van Gundy? After all, he's only managing 9 different projects right now, and this would only cut into the time he spends taking his daughters to see the kick-ass Georgia Tech Women's Volleyball games.

Michael Sullivan: After proving himself to be quite the able land-planning and use attorney in Gwinnett County, coupled with achieving a score of 135 on an online IQ test (and, besting the editor of the PV by 2 points), the Foundation would be an ideal spot for Young Sully. And, the state party headquarters does have enough room to display his extensive collection of UGA memorabilia like his bookcase-sized version of Sanford Stadium.

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