Re: Governor Perdue's Faith-Based Initiative

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Dear PV,

A couple of weeks ago, Governor Purdue expected to receive open praise from a number of social conservatives because of his faith-based initiative, which permits the funding of religious group with tax payer money. He was surprised that the group was divided between those who were eager to accept state money and those who were distrustful of the possible state regulations that might accompany the money.

What was surprising was not that social conservatives did not want their programs to be interfered with by the state, but that the Governors staff did not adequately prepare him for this easily foreseen problem.

The Governor has not done an adequate job of hiring mature activists with the experience and credibility with those groups who elected the him. This might have been excusable 12 months ago, but not today.

Mike Seigle

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