Re: Christian Science Comments

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Dear PV,

I read with interest your comments on Christian Scientists in your recent column on the Ten Commandments and wish to offer a correction of your views on the practice of the religion.

As noted by it's founder, Mary Baker Eddy, Christian Science is the rediscovery of primitive christianity and it's lost element of healing. Mrs. Eddy devoted her life to sharing her success in healing with others and a world wide religion grew out of her efforts. I know you were trying to draw a comparison of extremes in your article about the Ten Commandments. You assumed what you have heard about Christian Science was correct, and, as in all hearsay (and most politics!), most of it is wrong.

We do not let people die and claim it was God's will. Christian Science has an impressive record of healing, including those whom medical science have given up on and sent home to die. We recognize in our religion that it is NOT God's will that people die. Christ Jesus' whole career was based on the opposite idea of death: that man is spirtual and because he is so, his life is eternal.

He expressed and proved that fact in healings where he raised the dead. Christian Scientists enter the debate on the Ten Commandments on the side of living what we believe and letting that attest our faith in God as the only power in the universe. Christian Scientists do not debate God in society. Instead we try to follow Christ Jesus' example and live our lives accordingly. And that has resulted in a healing record of over 120 years, which is how the Ten Commandments can best be publically displayed.

Thank you!

Gary L. Holcombe, CFP

PV's Response: Thank you for enlightening us without berating us.

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