Re: The Ten Commandments

Sunday, February 29, 2004

Dear PV,

Christ taught us to love one another, to live in peace and harmony, and to "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's." Article I of the Bills of Rights of the U.S. Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

For too long, we've been witnessing an awful, frightful war about the display of the Ten Commandments in public buildings. A great man has quietly shown us the way to honor Christ's teachings and resolve this divisive dispute. He's set the example for us.

Without any fanfare, attorney Ed Marger of Jasper, GA, has put up a large, beautiful copy of the Ten Commandments on the side of a building less than 30 feet from the Pickens County courthouse for everyone and anyone to view. The attractive, 7-by-7-foot panel, made to Marger's specifications, depicts two tablets, textured and finished to look like real stone, with the Commandments numbered in Hebrew.

Good Christians everywhere who truly believe and live Christ's teachings should follow this good man's lead, heed the words of the Bible, overcome their vicious hostility, cease spouting their hateful vitriol, lay down their arms, embrace their brothers, and bring peace to their communities.

This is the most elegant solution one could imagine. Marger, a 75-year-old Jew, is doing what Christ taught us to do. What he has done satisfies the letter and the sprit of the law and fulfills the spiritual desires of honestly religious people. It's exactly what I've been recommending since the very beginning of this awful controversy. I applaud Marger for actually doing it. We all owe him our gratitude. It satisfies everyone but the most awful, mean, nasty, un-Christian people among us, those who want to create disharmony and want to promote war against their brothers.

Marger has resolved this hurtful struggle in a way Christ, Himself, would bless. I can picture Christ gently touching Marger's cheek and smiling. I can hear Christ saying quietly to Marger, "Yes, you understand, my son."

Marger, a Jew, is one of the best Christians I know. He lives according to Christ's teaching. I hope good Christians and other good people of every faith, people who love their brothers, will now have the courage to do the same. No good Christian, no good person of any faith, can object to what Marger has done. Anyone who wants to call himself a Christian must follow Marger's example. According to the Scriptures, Marger has done what Christ told all of us to do.

Let us all do likewise. Love your brother.

Gordon Curtis
Atlanta, GA

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