Re: Randy Evans' 'Swift and Sure Punishment"

Monday, March 01, 2004

One of the big problems is that judges and prosecutors will frequently talk tough on crime but then the corrupt plea deals will quietly circumvent the law.

Take for example child molesters. The slick ones with slick lawyers not only avoid jail time but avoid registration, which is our best line of defense. The legislature passed a law that sexual predators be on a registry (or "list"). That way we are able to call the Sheriff or "go on the internet" to see if the guy wanting to work in our child's youth group is a convicted child molester.

Here's how these cases work. Cases are investigated in detail by one law enforcement agency and a family services agency, followed by review by a judge before arrest, indictment by a grand jury and arraignment before trial. After all of these constitutional procedures a sexual predator charged with a high level felony might elect to admit guilt and avoid trial.

But if the predator is permitted to plead guilty and "plea bargain" to a misdemeanor and avoid jail or (more importantly) registration as a sex offender, the public is justified in being concerned.

John Mrosek
Fayetteville, GA

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