Re: Carolina Conservative's Spin on "Dixie"...

Friday, January 10, 2003

I enjoyed John Lee's spin on good breaths being wasted in the name of political correctness.

He did, however, forgot to include another dilemma involing the "D word." (D as in "Dixie).

All women named Dixie would need to be renamed and "Dee" isn't a politically correct alternative. Certain southern dialects would also have to go. You know, like the ones that sound like "See de TV; I stole de thin' at de sto'." So, a new dialect would have to be reinvented with Gore-like passion to get politically correct.

Quite frankly, as for the lady who was offended by Alabama's usage of "Dixie" on her car tag, I say this: Tough crap. There's a word for a world that invents new offensive ways and it's called "life."

She should get used to it, or out of it. Getting offended. Lord, me, oh, my -- political correctness creates more eggshell diviseness and contributes to our nation's growing trend of being a warring of the parts against the whole.

And, as Mr. Lee suggests, it's time to stop building divided houses that will always fall.

Amen. Or should that be "a person?" Gimme a break!

- An Astute Georgia Politico

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