Re: Jobs for 'Mericans and Dem Durn Ferigners

Thursday, July 03, 2003

Oh no, the foreigners are taking over our country. Here's an idea: why don't we force free enterprise (via government regulation) to only hire U.S. citizens to positions in a company? Or better yet, why don't we set a quota system that will force companies to hire people in numbers representative of their proportion of the population? Government regulation!...we need more government regulation!

Outside of tech support call centers, IT corporations are not hiring foreigners due to lower wage requirements, they are hiring foreign workers due to the fact that these people possess skill sets that the corporations are looking for (and in the instance that they are taking lower wages, why don't you put your stupid pride aside and take a lower wage. If you are truly more qualified than your competition you will be promoted over them. Remember, a low paying job beats the hell out of being unemployed).

Let's face it, as Americans we are not as highly skilled as we once were, we are not as industrious as our fathers and we seem to have lost the concept of loyalty to our employer.

Let's look closely at the life of a modern American worker and see if any of these apply to you...this could help to increase your understanding of why you are being replaced by a foreigner:

"I worked fifty hours this week and they don't want to pay me overtime. This is BS! I'm not doing it again!"

"Yeah, Mr. Samadar (your boss), I've got to take the kid to the doctor tomorrow so I'm going need to take half a day off."

"I have been here for three years, I deserve a promotion and more of a raise than what I received. I'm going to find a new job!"

"Sure, I can call in sick today and go to the Braves game."

"No, I can't come in on Saturday, I have things to do around the house."

These are phrases and thoughts that are absolutely foreign to the immigrants that are taking your job, getting promoted over you, and, incidentally, are making wages a lot higher than you think. Oh yeah, I forgot one thing, do you have an MS, MBA or PHD in the field? Because, a large number of them DO.

Our economy and our country have always been bolstered by the industrious nature and intellect of immigrants. During World War II we feared the German Jewish immigrants who fled Europe, but without their help, we never would have brought the war in Japan to a swift end. In the late 19th century we feared the influx of Irish immigrants into this country; now what would you do without your local pub?

Mr. Opitz's article is a prime example of what is wrong with Americans today. We seem to blame every entity but ourselves for the problems we experience. The Left does a better job of it, but we on the Right are getting wrapped up in this same ideology of victim-hood.

Remember, we are Republicans, the party of doers, not the party of whiners. If you're getting displaced by a foreign worker, hang around some of them for awhile...maybe their work ethic will rub off on you and then you can enjoy the same success that your immigrant forefathers experienced.

Todd N. Trepke
Cobb County, Georgia

P.S. If any of you are unemployed and would like to have a career erecting steel buildings, send an e-mail to me at Todd Trepke.

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