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2003 Heroes & Zeroes

Thursday, January 01, 2004

Real Heroes & Zeroes

Heroes: The members of the American military forces who have voluntarily sacrificed their lives to ensure liberty and freedom still exists for the inhabitants of these United States. (This includes both those who have died in service, and those who are still alive and fighting for our freedom.)

Zeroes: The terrorists who seek to destroy all those who wish to live their lives in freedom.

Heroes: The families of the members of the military who have lost their lives (or are still serving in dangerous lands) who have to live their lives through many anxious moments while their loved ones are in harm's way.

Zeroes: The terrorists who have forced America to the point of the U.S. taking offensive action against potential threats to our health, livelihoods, and way of life.

Heroes: The members (and their families) of police, fire, rescue and related service occupations who voluntarily risk their lives every single day in America so that others can live without the threat of harm directed their way from any number of sources, both domestic and foreign, whether by accident or by directed purpose.

Zeroes, Part 1: The people who seek to harm others by malicious intent and deprive innocent people of their life, liberty, and/or pursuit of happiness.

Zeroes, Part 2: Another "zero" in this category would include those politicians who seek to stiff (for want of a better word) the pay and benefits of those people who are willing to sacrifice their lives while the politicians smoke their cigars, sip their cognac, and pontificate all of the glory and contribution they think they make to supposedly enrich their constituents' lives.


As the staff of the Political Vine labors in their duties, we have one unfortunate, and innocent, victim as a result of our dedication to bringing you the stories and opinions other publications dare not offer you.

The PV's trusty mascot, Brewster, a 90 lb. (though, withering with weekly neglect) Yellow Lab is the innocent victim to all of our time spent on research and story development. Brewster used to be walked more frequently, but, with publishing deadlines, he is usually let-out to do his own business, or ordered to "Hurry up! It's cold! Go pee! Go pee!" by our staff interns.

Additionally, with all of our spare funds going to maintain this Website, we fear that one day, his food bowl will be empty, the result of no cash leftover at the end of the month to buy his food and his treats.

What can you do to help ward off this possible (and unfortunate) situation? With your contribution to the Political Vine to help with our Website expenses, you will help spare this poor dog any further risk of starving for want of food, treats, or even attention, as our staff sometimes has to leave the office for many hours at a time and Brewster is left to sleep away his hunger, alone on the sofa.

This is what your contribution today will help do:

A $29 contribution will help feed Brewster for a month.
A $50 contribution will help feed Brewster for 2 months. Or, it will help pay for the Website for one month.
A $75 contribution will help pay for one month's rent on the Website and feed Brewster for 1 month.
A $100 contribution will buy Brewster enough food and treats for 3 months, and include a trip to the vet when he overindulges and worries his owner half to death at 3:00 in the morning.

Won't you please consider contributing today, and, together, we can prevent a dog from going hungry! There are many ways you can contribute..please pick one from the list below:

1) Use or establish a PayPal account, or 2) Send a check in any amount to the address below.

Establishing a PayPal account costs you nothing to accomplish. In fact, PayPal, which was developed by and owned owned by eBay, is becoming the standard for Internet credit card transactions.

Just click the below PayPal link to contribute $29 via a credit card.

Contribute To The Political Vine!

OR if you don't like to deal with Internet credit card payments, you can send a check made out to Bill Simon and mail it to:

Bill Simon
PV Editor
Ste. 200C-#530
2100 Roswell Road
Marietta, GA 30060


Political Heroes & Zeroes

Hero: Newly-elected Mayor Jerry Oberholtzer (R) who beat Emmett Clower (D) to win the mayorship of the sleepy little town of Snellville, Georgia.

Zeroes: Emmett Clower, Senator David Shafer, Wayne Mason, and any and all of the other political flakes who think that the concept of government corruption is just "good 'ole boys having fun."

Hero: Newly-elected Mayor Harris Little (R) who won by 5 votes to take the helm of yet another sleepy little town of Carnesville, Georgia.

Zero: David Frederick, who lost by 5 votes to Little.

Hero: State Rep. David Casas (R-Lilburn), who understands the United States is a nation of laws.

Zeroes: State Sen. Sam Zamarripa (D-Atlanta) and State Rep. Pedro Marin (D-Duluth), who say to hell with that and appear to be functioning in the Georgia Legislature as agents of a foreign government (Mexico)

Hero: Newly-elected Fulton County Commission Chair Karen Handel (R).

Zero: Defeated candidate for Fulton County Commission Chair Karen Webster, and her moronic campaign advisor, Little bobby kahn.

Hero: Randy Evans, for continuing to serve the Republican Party in many different ways, whether as counsel to our elected leaders in the U.S. House, the state senate, the state house, or just merely continuing to put up with the most putrid example of a human being in the form of Little bobby kahn on the Georgia State Board of Elections.

Zero: Little bobby kahn who lost Karen Webster's race and continues to do nothing useful with his life ever since being forced to eat his own words from 2002 regarding Republicans remaining a "permanent minority in the State Senate." [Note to kahn: Still waiting for an e-mail for a lunch chat...or, are you too busy eating your own feces?]
PV Note: If you have any ideas for a Heroes/Zeroes, please forward your ideas to the PV for consideration. E-mail us here.

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