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Wow! What a Great Plan The Department of Homeland Defense Has Put Into Place (NOT!)

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Rumors have it that there is but one source of gasoline supply to the metro-Atlanta area...and it comes via refineries to the west of us...that's right, from Texas and then piped through Louisiana and Mississippi.

Now, can you guess what has happened to that supply of gasoline to the metro area? Well, unless you've been vacationing in the North Georgia mountains without any access to any form of media, a tiny little squall by the name of Hurricane Katrina plowed through Louisiana and Mississippi and just happened to take down the electrical infrastructure that supplied power to pumping stations along the pipeline.

According to official sources, the 45-county metro Atlanta area operates on approximately a 10-day supply before needing to be replinished. The pipelines have been down now for 48 hours...which, based on our rudimentary education in economics means that 2 things will happen in the next 8 days: 1) there will be a mad rush to the nearest gas pump to top-off and fill-up every SUV and Hummer in sight, and 2) the price of gasoline in the Atlanta area will spike higher than anyone has ever envisioned. (Not that price gouging is the worry of the day, but it's just the fact that the fuel might run out.)

So, you think a $2 increase per barrel of Sweet Crude Oil causes a $0.25 jump in prices at the pump is earth-shattering, just wait until you see the price spike-up $0.50-$1.00 per gallon as the price-gougers see the chance to run with the money.

And, since Governor Perdue has not declared Georgia any kind of "disaster area", there are no legal caps on gasoline or hotel rooms, or any commodity that will shortly be in great demand.

PV Notes: Now, we just have one question: Where the #$*&! has both the federal and the state departments of Homeland Defense been spending their time and resources for the past 3 years if not working on BACK-UP plans to quickly find other routes to ship gasoline into an area like Atlanta? An area that has 3 major interstates that run right to it and through it?

Folks, do you get where our anger is coming from? We have one set of pipelines that run straight from Texas to gasoline tanks in Georgia...heck, a kid with a well-placed pack of M-80s could have probably caused the same amount of disruption in the fuel supply that a power outage has now caused by simply blowing holes in the pipelines.

What exactly has our great Department of Homeland Defense been spending its money and time on if not to figure out disaster plans? This is the easiest target to consider.

"Duh...uhh...say, Bob, we only got one set of pipes coming into this region from this direction...what happens if someone drives a Hummer under the steel supports and knocks down the pipeline?"...."Oh, duhh, John,...that'll never happen..let's instead work on the disaster plan of making sure that if the Governor's SUV gets a flat tire, he can still make it to Dooley-Sanford-Ehrhart-Stadium in time for the opening kickoff."

It is time for an audit and a report to the American people on just how much money has been spent and where it has been spent on "homeland security" projects all across this nation, including Louisiana, Mississippi, and Georgia. We don't want to hear any bullshit about "Well, how dare you question the President? It's unpatriotic! You're a traitor!" or some other such bullshit that will likely be uttered out of the mouths of guvment liars.

Tonight we received an e-mail from Ken Mehlman of the Republican National Committee who asked everyone to put away their partisanship and contribute to the relief effort in New Orleans and Mississippi. Gosh, gee, darn, thank goodness for Ken and the RNC! The rest of the population wouldn't have known how to react unless Ken got on e-mail and told us what to do and where to give! We are sure grateful for Ken's help, aren't we? Thank goodness for Ken and his K-Street Lobbyists! Surely they will dig deep into their own pockets and give money, won't they?

If you can give blood, go to Red Cross Blood Donation to give blood to help the City of New Orleans that is desperate for blood supplies.

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