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State Senator Charles Walker Drops Lawsuit!

Friday, December 06, 2002

 - Augusta Political Vine Bureau

Rumors have it that a press conference held today at 4:00 PM in Augusta, Senator Charles Walker's legal crew announced that of the previous estimate of between 400-500 voters whom they thought could have been disenfranchised by Senator Walker's Democrat Party Leadership's redistricted maps, they concluded that only about 66 voters could have been affected by the disenfranchisement.

Since Republican Senator-Elect Randy Hall's winning margin was 266 votes after the recount, Walker wisely concluded that even if the 66 voters would have all gone for Walker (and, there is no way to predict that occuring anyway...unless you're a Florida Democrat), the point of their lawsuit is now moot. And, they reportedly have dropped their lawsuit. (Details later as they become available)

PV Offers Charles Walker A Hanky: You know what they say, Charles? They say that when one door closes, another one opens. From what we understand, the door to an FBI proctology exam is opening wider by the day. Buy some Wesson Oil and some Ben Gay and you'll be set for anything they throw your way.

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