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Aw, Man! You Mean I Gotta Live In The County To Be Commission Chair?

Monday, July 14, 2003

Rumors have it that both Rob Pitts (S)* and Tom Lowe (R) have tentatively taken their names out of the running to replace soon-to-be-departing Fulton County Commission Chair Mike Kenn (R). Last week, Kenn announced he was going to work for the road lobbying group, Georgians for Better Transportation, and depart as Fulton Commission Chairman.

Our sources say that the Fulton County dems are all getting behind former County Commissioner Karen Webster (D) for Fulton County Commission Chair.

BUT...there's a bit of a snag. Rumors have it that Webster sold her Fulton County home and moved OUT of the County!!! The dems are working feverishly to do all they can to create a paper trail to make her appear legit. This would include attempts at forging property and warranty deeds at the Fulton County Superior Court...but, nothing is out of reach for the dems in this state to accomplish.

PV Recalls A Time In The Not Too Distant Past: Gee, remember in 1994 when Atlanta Police Chief Eldrin Bell tried the same thing? Turned out he lived in DeKalb!!!

Something diabolical is certainly afoot in Fulton...stay tuned to the Vine for further updates.

*The "S" next to Robb Pitts' name denotes that he is a swinger when it comes to politics. He tried to run a conservative campaign in his race for Atlanta city mayor in 2001, but got clobbered by the Bill Campbell-Maynard Jackson hit squad who were backing then-candidate Shirley Franklin. Pitts mostly leans Left, but, on occasion, votes Right.

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