Reality Check for Office Holders...

Saturday, August 16, 2003

 - by Ben Satterfield of Gwinnett County

It seems that no matter how good a job you have been doing; no matter how long you have been doing it; no matter how much time, money and energy you have put into the office you were elected to serve there will always be someone who believes he or she can do a better job. This is the American Way, at least the Republican Way. We are free thinkers and will never be subject to a dictator or group of dictators...

This separates us from other countries, and I might add we Republicans from Democrats. Often times, elected officials "Get too full of themselves" and they forget that the voters are the ones that elected them. They often win an election by 55% or 60% and become complacent. "Look what I did!" They forget the 40-45% of the voters that did not vote for them. All they have to make mad in the next election is 6%-11% of those that voted for them. Can one wonder why we have turnover in elected officials?

Elected officials must never forget that they were elected to serve at the same time they need to realize that they were elected to do what they truly believe is best for those they serve. This can be a delicate balancing act. Often, the special interest groups are the loudest and get the most media attention. Some times all the idiots and uninformed make up the majority.

We do not live in a Democracy but rather a Republic where we elect the person we believe can make the correct decisions. Perhaps the secret is communications. No one can satisfy everyone, but communicating your reasons for your vote will help. One must keep in mind that is easier to be against an issue and it will get more attention, rather than be for something.

Most voters are turned off by a candidate that is only against something, even though it will satisfy those special interest voters. Voters want someone who will stand up for right and against wrong.

Those of us who serve in elected GOP offices on the County, District and State level need to realize that there will be others who want our job and believe they can do a better job. After all who wants a job that no one else would have? With over 40 years working in the GOP, I have heard and seen "Take-Overs" almost every year. Have you ever wondered why our Rules and Bylaws allow for takeovers?

If you have not experienced this, chances are good that you will. To remain in office, one must make sure their supporters are present at conventions. If you do not and another group has their's present, guess what? You lose.

Now, is this always bad? Certainly for the ones being displaced, because often when defeated we take our ball and run home. Or sometimes we hang around trying to point out all the mistakes of those that defeated us.

At the least, we hope they will fail. When I see or hear this, I must question the motives. Have we become to believe IT is all about us. Do we really care about our Great Country and the only Party that can save it from Socialism? We blame the party members who worked the system within the parameters of the Rules and Bylaws and fail to realize we failed to do the same.

No, takeovers are not always bad. Example: a county I know was run by a chairman who gave much time and energy to the party. He came out in the primary against a certain candidate for county commissioner. The candidate was defeated. At the county convention, the former candidate recruited party members to attend and was elected Chairman. The new Chairman and other officers have grown the party and attendance to monthly meeting has gone from an average of twenty to over a hundred.

Lessons learned:

1. Never take sides in a true Republican Primary.
2. Always make sure all your supporters are present.
3. Sometimes a change is best for the party.
4. The Party is bigger than one man or woman and will survive change.

If this happens to you, I suggest you have your pity party for a day or two, then jump back in with both feet working for the best for our Great Party.

Try not to hinder what is taking place, we need your input and experience.

It will be accepted in the manner you offer it.

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