Re: Ten Commandments

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Dear PV,

In one way I agree with your comments regarding the display of the Ten Commandments should not be that much of an issue. However I do have a problem with individuals who have some authority attempting to restrict personal religious practices.

I have not personally had a problem with anyone attempting to restrict my personal religious practices. Just because I have not had a problem does not mean that I should not be concerned. Even though I have never been the subject of police brutality I am still concerned about the actions of policemen.

I feel that there has been an increase in incidents that I would consider as being discrimination toward Christians. I do not know if the apparent increase in incidents is only the result of an increased availability of information due to sources like the Internet. I am very concerned about the apparent lack of religious principles in a minority of the population that are being forced on other individuals.

Jerry Burns

PV's Response: We reiterate: this country, the United States of America, the country formed, not in 1776, but in 1787 through the ratification of the Constitution of the United States and the passage of the Bill of Rights in 1791, was founded as a country of religious freedom. Not colonial "Christianity." Complete religious freedom.

Whether that means freedom for people to worship as Christians do, or as Jews, or as Muslims, or as no religious belief at all, it means no religion shall be foisted on the populace through government laws, or via government resources.

Yes, this means that Congress, when they decided to designate December 25 as a "Christmas holiday," probably violated the First Amendment. Notice how they didn't pass such a law until the 20th century? After they had already passed additional constitutional amendments like instituting a federal income tax. People will look back to all of the new federalism that was instituted during the 1900s in this country and say "Yep! That was the beginning of the decline of this country's liberties."

Are we fretting over Christmas as a violation of the Constitution? No, but don't think that because the Constitution has been violated in that manner that it means we should go whole hog and ram the majority's religious beliefs down everyone else's throats. If so, then perhaps you'd like to take a tour of the Taliban Museum...