What He Means Is, "Prejudice" Is Everywhere. And It Just Isn't Color-Driven...

Saturday, December 21, 2002

I agree racism is WRONG. However, the word "racist" or the word "racism" does not mean only whites who dislike blacks simply due to race. The terms also should refer to blacks who do not like whites and any other person who does not like a particular color or race.

Why is it that we can have Black Entertainment Television and the Black Republican Caucus with those groups being praised as groups that promote diversity?

Even the term African-American singles blacks out as someone who is not simply an American, but is a "special type" of American.

It is similar to women's only fitness clubs being fine, but Augusta National is being ridiculed for not accepting women. I think the Trent Lott situation opens up a much larger can of worms than just the Senate Majority Leader being racist...it appears in a lot of places.

Atlanta, GA