Re: Cobb County GOP

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Dear PV,

You have us Cobb County Republicans pegged...But there are a few things you left out.

Just before the last campaign of 2001 and the local conventions, this woman, Marilyn Gilhuly, shows up and is suddenly in contest for the Chair of Cobb County's Republican Party. No one had any idea just who this woman was. She seemed to pop up from nowhere...ran against one of the best known and competent people (Sue Everhart) and WON?

Where did all these votes come from...and who were all those people at the convention? Talk about your grass roots...We who attended breakfasts, worked as poll watchers, campaign helpers, sign putter- uppers, door-to-door canvassers...

Marilyn does not now, nor ever has, let ethics nor rules interfere with the plans of her club. She herself assigned the auditor of the Cobb County Republicans to also become its Treasurer? Say What?

When she dis-favors a candidate she will at best ignore him and surely not broadcast any get-acquainted activities he and his are sponsoring. But let her blessed one hold a gathering - even if it s across the state. There is Marilyn beating the drum, waving a flag (so to speak), and in general being an all too obvious cheerleader. This NOT the role for any presiding moderator of any honest group.

You should have seen her whomp the leather for Ralph Reed. Of course when Bill Byrne was seeking the nomination for Governor, Marilyn not only would not put the announcements upon the agendas, she would distort any attempts to announce any of his activities that could out-shout her.

And the same goes for her stooge, Paul Ploener. Poor guy...has not a clue to parliamentary procedures but he sure can crawfish when he wants to.

So far there have been three strategies for this Crowd.

1) Don't let any competition be recognized in their campaigning activities nor have the floor to speak to the assembly upon their own behalf. At the convention, Edwin demanded a call for the vote (Call the Question) to approve or disapprove the entire slate of delegates and alternates immediately without allowing the DISINFRANCHISED former delegates a chance to be heard.

- When any candidate other than her favorite wished to have his activities announced, Miss Marilyn completely ignored the request and when friends of the candidate insisted upon making such announcements on their own in his behalf, Madam Chairman either wouldn't give the floor OR would comment ungraciously about the announcement thus distracting the audience.

- When the non-blessed Mr Chadwick rose to ask for the floor to explain some scam-sheet, acting Chair Paul Ploner made excuse after excuse to deny Mr. Chadwick permission to address the gathering. This occured the morning of the latest shuttle disaster.

2) Total slate votes. Marilyn (and now maybe Anthony Scott Hobbs) have a nasty habit of calling an obscure gathering 'an official' meeting and as such bring before it a complete package of as many as six subjects disguised as a single motion which when presented gets approved because the crowd is just so very happy that they are being an official and voting in favor of something, regardless of the consequences.

3) Total disregard for any kind of rules. Does a change in an established policy or standing rule require a two-thirds majority to pass? Yes! Was there a 2/3rds majority in favor of passage? No!

Was it ruled as having passed? With this crowd - of COURSE!!!

Do we call for the question immediately before anyone can discuss and challenge the slate...absolutely just as Edwin did at the county convention, thus passing a slate of non-delegates as delegates and relegating delegates to alternates just because Mr. [Judson Hill] doesn't have any business with a gavel in mitt because he knows not the first thing about parliamentary procedures. Either that or he is a Democrat mole!

And so it goes...deceit...corruption...a backpat on one side and a skewer in the other. Oh, what I wish we were but know we ain't.

Thank you for the opportunity to vent,

Noah Givens
Cobb County GOP

PV Cautions Givens: Careful. With the Calvin (Rhodes) & (Anthony-Scott) Hobbs Cartoon Show, you might find your name mysteriously removed from all county party lists...