The Gil-Hooligans Ride Again...

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

By Bill Simon - Editor (

SPECIAL NOTE: I feel I should apologize to you for several things. One, today was April Fool's Day and, though I really had some neat ideas for story hoaxes, with the war going on, I just wasn't into it this year.

Two, if you thought the Political Vine was through covering the dastardly antics of the psychopaths in the Cobb County GOP, and you're bored silly with the subject, you shouldn't invest any more time in reading this edition than you already have. (On the other hand, if you're attending this Saturday's 6th District Convention, you'll be quite interested in this edition.)

Three, if you don't ever want to receive another Political Vine, there is an "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of this e-mail and you should uncheck all of the choices of newsletters presented and update your subscription preferences. Sorry for the imposition.

A Little Case of "Identity Theft"

Rumors have it that I'm getting fed-up with Cobb County political psychopaths like Marilyn Gilhuly, Anthony-Scott Hobbs, Judson Hill, Frank Molesky, Paul Ploener, and several others who aren't worth notable mention at this point.

Actually, the foregoing is not a rumor, but a fact. These individuals are the weirdest, the creepiest, and the most disengenius individuals you will ever meet, regardless of political affiliation. Frankly, I'd rather have lunch with Guy Drexinger (Cobb Dem Party Chairman) than any of these people who claim to be "Republican." Liberal though he is, he'd be more honest than any of these aforementioned clowns.

So, to get to the point, Judson (aka "Scudson") Hill is running for 6th District Chairman and he has these 4 folks as his campaign advisors. Sue Everhart is running for reelection to the 6th District Chairmanship and has herself as her own campaign advisor.

In case you've been given a different impression (by an e-mail which I will shortly discuss), I FULLY support Sue Everhart for 6th District. Sue and I are very good friends, and while I could spend loads of Web space discussing all of Sue's accomplishments in her position as 6th District Chair for the past 2 years, that's not my role here. Her record of service and achievement for the 6th District, and the state, speaks volumes all by itself.

I am here to discuss a little case of "identity theft" involving me. This occured by way of an e-mail written late Monday evening and it was sent out to people who are attending the 6th district convention. This e-mail was not authored by me, but made to appear as though it was:

"From: Bill Simon []
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 11:27 PM
Subject: Sue's political vine, Chapter 1, Section 1

Rumors have it that at the state Republican Party headquarters, Sue Everhart was quoted as saying "the inmates are now running the asylum in Cobb County" about the newly elected Cobb county officers. She goes on to say that "Johnny and Bob Barr will never support these upstarts." This writer would suggest all recipients of this email to verify with Sue about the truth. And remember Sue, there is proof.

In addition, the truth has it that there are those Sue supporters that intend to challenge the district and state delegates from Cobb County (attempting to throw out their validity for a minor technicality) due to paperwork not being signed. What that really means is that if you are a Cobb County delegate (5th, 6th or 11th), Sue Everhart, in order to keep her title, is willing to nullify you as a delegate. Are all of these tactics a first, or is there more to this story... Stay tuned....

Sue's political vine


This letter was conceived by some sick, twisted people. It was a letter designed to slam Sue and make it look like it came from me. As most of you well know, I write from the Political Vine address, not "" Also, I haven't made any reference to the inside Vine joke of the "interns" in well over a year, so, the letter was clearly written by someone who hasn't been reading the Vine...someone like...say, Marilyn Gilhuly and/or Frank Molesky.

Sue's response to me regarding this letter was:

"Bill, I need to ask you a favor. You probably have more e-mails in the Metro Area than any one I know. I want to reach anyone that may have received the e-mail written below from someone wishing to make sure that I am not re-elected as Sixth District Chairman.

There is nothing written in the e-mail that is a true statement. I did not say one word of what is written. If it were true they would have signed their name and given their source.

I have never spoke against the Counties in the Sixth District and do not intend to start now. I have already offered my support to the new Cobb County Chairman in anyway that he can use me. I have always been ready willing and able to assist the Counties.

I know they call it Politics; however, it took a sick individual to go to such extremes to try to insure that the Sixth District was not chaired by me.

I am running for Sixth District Chairman, I am proud of what the District has accomplished in the past two years and intend to move it even more forward in the next two years if I am given the honor of serving again.

Please forward to your list. Thank you for your kindness in this very serious matter.

Sue Everhart

I believe Sue. In fact, I know Sue wouldn't lie about these things because that is not her nature. She is spending time at the state party these days helping to organize the state convention and she is not spending her time dissing the county parties.

With regard to the letter-writer's claim that Sue may be challenging the delegates from Cobb County in order to hold onto her seat, again, a big fat lie. In fact, if anyone was going to expend the time and energy to disqualify the Cobb GOP slate, it would be me. And, I've already checked into the possibility. I cannot do it. I want to. Oh, believe me, I really want to. But, I can't. Randy Evans made it all legal with that resolution from 2 months ago, so no one, especially Sue, is going to waste time attempting to do so.

Again, there is someone out there in Cobb who is truly in need of either some Prozac or some serious shock treatment to conceive a letter like this and to continue to try and beat Sue down.

A Few Words About The Use of Profanity

Anyone remember back in...maybe 1995, I think it was. Anyway, as I recall, we had a bit of military action going on in the Persian Gulf. Some sailor on one of our missile-cruisers had the proper sense of decorum in painting in huge letters on the side of a missile "HAVE A HAPPY RAMADAN" that you could see when the missile was fired (I'm sure I have the picture somewhere on my hard drive).

The politically-correct Clinton crowd had a snit-fit and the sailor got dressed-down for not showing the proper respect for the Muslim community. Does everyone understand the irony of that? We're sending a missile to takeout a bunch of Muslim extremists and we have to be nice about it?

Now, there are several people in the Cobb GOP who really don't like my sometime use of profanity, especially when it is directed right at them. These people, of course, are the same people who will lie to my face and cheat by breaking the rules of the party. These people are the scum of the earth and deserve what I say about them and to them and much more.

Their reaction to my use of profanity when addressing them as the lowlifes they are is, in my mind, akin to someone getting upset over the sailor's prank. They're getting mad at the wrong party.

See, there's no sin against the use of profanity. Yes, it is in bad taste sometimes, but other times, it is downright appropro. There is, however, a sin regarding lying. In case you folks in the Cobb GOP have forgotten what the Bible says, it's one of the Ten Commandments. You folks might want to spend some time reviewing that section...


Again, my apologies for having to stuff your mailbox with this explanation of the going-ons of the 6th District of Georgia, but I just cannot let lying dogs continue to lie. Sue is a good person and a good friend. She's worked hard for many people and many good Republican causes. Those of you out to get her, or me by way of voting against her, are truly, truly disturbed individuals and should consider joining the Iraqi army. You'll fit in perfectly.

- Bill Simon, Editor
Political Vine

Bill Simon - Editor