The American Flag on Saddam's Statue

Thursday, April 10, 2003

I just found out that the American soldier, who is currently being crucified in the American and World press for being insensitive when he put an American flag over the face of the statue of Saddam Hussein before they pulled it down, GOT THAT FLAG FROM THE PENTAGON where he worked ON SEPTEMBER 11th!

After being shot at for three weeks by people intent on killing him, I was going to cut him some slack anyway, but now that I know this, I'm real proud of that fella. We can always be diplomatic tommorrow, but I am touched to the point of tears by his gesture.

It was if he was saying "sure, we did this for the freedom of the people of Iraq, but we also did it for you folks at the WTC, Pennsylvania and the Pentagon to show that we haven't forgotten you."

Please pass this largely unknown fact to those who you hear criticizing this brave hero for his supposed "faux paus."

Thank you.

Matt Mashburn