News From The Nuts In Gwinnett...

Sunday, June 06, 2004

District One Commission Race

Rumors have it that Lorraine Green is up to her old tricks again: lying.

In a quiet homeowners' association meeting a couple of weeks ago, Greene told the gathered throng that her opponent, George Thorndyke, was "so rich that he has already contributed $100,000 of his own money to his campaign, and I can't do, I need contributions from you..."

PV Takes 10 Minutes to Download and Review the District One Disclosures: addition to being a liar, Lorraine cannot, it seems, add too well.

Thorndyke has loaned himself about $20,000 and raised the rest from other sources. Green has raised about $100,000 from developers, real estate closing attorneys, and general contractors...all folks interested in seeing that Lorraine get elected so she will be in a good position to shove business their way and fix the bidding process on their behalf.

In other news in the District One race, reports of theft and destruction of Thorndyke's campaign material are flying at us. Pictured to the right is a 4x8 sign of Thorndyke's that was wiped-out.

Notice the Greene sign still intact down the road a little ways (see bottom photo). We checked with the Thorndyke campaign, and they said they had permission from the landowner to place the sign there.

And, on Sunday, June 6, one of the Thorndyke campaign volunteers (a guy named "Syzmon", pronounced as "Simon") reported to us that he had a magnetic Thorndyke sign on the side of his vehicle when he drove to the church parking lot in the morning.

When he left, the sign was gone. Coincidentally, Syzmon attends church at the same place Lorraine Greene attends...hmmm...interesting...

PV Is Nonplussed: Theft on a church parking lot...what fascinating scruples Thorndyke's opponents possess.

And What Day Wouldn't Be Complete Without News About Bob Griggs

Y'all remember the PV's good 'ole pal named Bob Griggs, don't you? Bob threatened the PV with a libel and defamation lawsuit. As of this issue, we STILL (darn it!) have not been in receipt of such a lawsuit.

Anyway, about seems that Bob had the audacity to crash the Dacula Memorial Day Parade. It wasn't your normal "party crash."

District Three Commissioner John Dunn, a man Bob Griggs hates as much as he hates the PV, therby putting Dunn in good company with us, was in the Dacula parade last week. John is a Coast Guard veteran.

On the front of Dunn's truck was a big sign that commemorated the passing of a friend of Dunn's who had died in the Iraqi war.

Oblivious to the fact that the parade was a somber event, Griggs hooked-up with a pal of his and they donned large placard signs that could be read on their backs as "Dunn is History" as they walked in the parade.

Rumor has it that the Mayor of Dacula was quite steamed at the spectacle. We don't doubt it.

PV Opines: Griggs is such a classless putz. No wonder his first wife divorced him.

And, Finally...

Rumors have it that the Gwinnett local chapter of the International Brotherhood of Police Officers (aka "the socialist union") made their endorsements public.

Seems the union socialists have picked correctly this time: They picked Marcia Neaton for Gwinnett Commission Chairman, a fine example of a socialist, along with her whacko ex-husband, Bob Griggs. The two of them in charge of Gwinnett County would make for a glorious experience for the county populace. Free handcuffs for all bondage enthusiasts!!!

For District One, the socialist union endorsed...Lorraine Greene. Oh, man! George Thorndyke couldn't ask for a better coup! We can just imagine Greene sending out campaign direct mail bragging that she's been endorsed by a union! Yeah! I'm a conservative living in Gwinnett and I wanna vote for someone endorsed by a bunch of socialists!

For District Three, the union endorsed...Dwight Harrison. LOL! Yes, a used car salesman has garnered the endorsement of a union. Yeahhhh...conservatives will flock to vote for these fine, fine candidates...