Now Starring In "Clueless-The Next Generation", Ms. Martha Burk!

Saturday, December 21, 2002

I was reading the Augusta Chronicle's website this morning and noticed a story about Martha Burk in the sports section Martha Burk. Apparently she is starting her own Website Augusta Discriminates.

What I don't understand is...why is this woman even wasting her time? As far as I'm concerned there ought to be a (ala' Show Burk Your Balls Website! It just seems utterly ridiculous that a women-only group is bitching about the all-men Augusta National.

Just hearing her name makes me ill. She's trying to give Augusta a bad reputation that's totally undeserved.

BTW ... the new HTML formatted newsletter looks great!

Chris Harrison
Augusta GA

PV Notes: Thank you for the note, Chris, and the update on the Burkies.

We've been to Burk's new Website. On it she displays the icons of great American companies that she believes "sanctions" Augusta National choosing to maintain a boy's club. She is out to dis companies like Coca-Cola, General Electric, IBM, JP Morgan-Chase, Bank of America, Coors, etc.

We wish Burk a lotta luck. And, we encourage everyone who gets ticked-off at Burk to visit Show Burk Your Balls which just perfectly executes the correct in-Burk's-face response she and her whole gaggle of looney-birds richly deserve.