Re: A License to Flag

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Dear PV,

I found it quite interesting your article of the Georgia SCV car tag. What I couldn’t understand was why report on just that one. Was the fact that it incorporates the SCV logo on it is what startled you? You probably would be surprised at how many SCV tags there are, not just in Georgia (which happen to be the second state to issue such a tag), but Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama and many others are to follow.

I’m trying to make sense of your analogy on the heritage-flag issue by using the SCV tag as an illustration. If this was your case then you failed to make your point, lets say there was an NRA tag available (well there is in Virginia), would anti-gun folks be upset seeing a tag with the NRA logo on it? Or is it they’re upset that there may be a gun rack in the truck or possibly the driver has a license to carry. I guess you can see where I’m going by using your statement.

Oh, by the way, yes we know we lost the war. Does it mean we must forget what the brave men of that era sacrificed by leaving home and family to protect them from “Northern invaders”? No and we won’t and neither should any one else, obviously you have subscribed to the Political Correct view of history that is now being taught in our schools. Perhaps you should go to some BOE meeting in Cobb Co. and see what history books are being placed in schools. Not much is being taught and by looking in the books not much is being shown of early American history perhaps the recent test scores showing students knowledge in history should show just how well school systems across the nation are doing in the subject of history. Come to think of it they don’t even call it history any more, now it’s current events, in other word the only history that is being taught is recent history. Not many even know who the Father of the Country is, sad isn’t it?

Oh, I also want to let you in on something about the Georgia SCV tag, I was the designer of the tag and also helped in the design of the Virginia SCV tag while I lived there.


T. David Anderson
Chief of Heritage Offense
Georgia Division
Sons of Confederate Veterans

PV's Response: Ahhh, so you are the one, David. It's a darned good-looking tag, actually. Someone told us that it was some guy by the name of "Thurmond" and a letter had been sent last week to SCV Spokesman Dan Coleman inquiring about how to contact Thurmond. Guess our original source was incorrect, which may explain why Coleman didn't bother to send a response back to PV.

Regarding our point of the article, the point was that the SCV has an opportunity to display their heritage via the special license plate, so why were they still concerned with getting the St. Andrews Cross designed flag still up on a pole for Georgia?

See, this state is NOT about only your heritage. A lot of different people live here, from all parts of the U.S. and maybe even the world. There are 8.2 million people living in Georgia. The point of the article is that why should your heritage of fighting and losing a war be the sole heritage represented by the Georgia state flag?

Nowhere does the Swastika Flag fly in Germany (though, it probably flies in some homes of Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists in Cobb County and in other parts of Georgia). Same with the Rising Sun. Somehow, with other places in the world, there's no drive to fly flags of defeated nations.

Keep in mind, of course, that you still have the right to possess and fly any flag you wish on your own property. No one is taking that right away from you or your other SCV brothers. But, is is rather intrusive on our lives that we should have YOUR heritage thrust down our much the same way as your Confederate forefathers found the North thrusting THEMSELVES down the throats of the Confederates.