Re: Cobb County Convention

Sunday, March 09, 2003

As a delegate to the Cobb GOP so-called Convention yesterday, I must say I was appalled by the actions of both factions of the party.

I am one of those in the middle. I support neither side, in fact both sides need to grow up and act like adults if we are to advance the cause of the GOP in Cobb County. Cobb was once a stronghold of Republican Values, but now our base is slipping.

If the actions I witnessed Saturday are an example of our Party, I am not sure even I want to be part of it. I am sure both sides have scared off many potential members with the bickering and in-fighting.

We have now elected new leadership. We must all now unite to build the party. Let's let bygones be bygones, let's work together to make the Cobb Party again the strongest in the country.

I would love to know how the Resolutions and Delegate Votes came out. We left in disgust at that point.


A Delegate