Letters To The Troops - Volume 1, Issue 1

Monday, March 17, 2003

Re: Dixie Chicks and America

When the Dixie Chicks glorified wrapping Earl in the tarp and throwing his body in the lake, my teenage girls and I thought it was fantastic, because it was funny. When Natalie Maines sang about the cowboy, and asked him to "take me away" we sang along and visualized everything great about the American male!

These days, the Chicks are on tour in Europe. They have apparently jumped on the hate America bandwagon, commiserating to cheering and hypocritical Europeans (love our country music, hate our "cowboy" president) that they are "embarassed George Bush is from Texas." Their Website states disapproval that Bush is ignoring public and world opinion.

While some people would say it's their music that matters and not their politics, citing free speech as an American virtue, I believe the Chicks' cavalier attitude in front of millions of Europeans at this time takes free speech a step too far. They're on the Jane Fonda ledge and need someone to haul them back in...at least while our country is struggling against anti-American sentiment and fighting for its very safe existence.

My loved one, a Marine currently battling sandstorms, long hours and demoralizing news accounts of anti-war attitude back home, had mailed a gift for my family to purchase tickets to the Chick's August concert in Atlanta. Despite them "loving our troops," it'll be a cold day in Bagdad...err...July, before I'll spend my career Marine's hard-earned cash to support them. We'll wait for Faith Hill (who supports our troops AND our commander in chief), or another "star" who is intelligent enough to realize that voicing blanket disdain for our elected leader while overseas diminishes us in the world and divides us as a country.

Free speech is a glorious thing...but it doesn't come cheap. I encourage all patriotic Americans to join me in demonstrating this to celebrities AND businesses who wish to benefit from our great nation, but can't rise above their partisanship enough to support our President's foreign policy at a time of imminent danger to the world.


Laura Armstrong
Marietta, GA


Thank you to all our military members in the MiddleEast who are involved in the war effort. You are doing the right thing by seeking to free the Iraqi people. The ones over here who are speaking against you are not worthy of the freedoms they have.

Tom in Georgia

Dear Soldiers serving our Country:

Hello from Atlanta, Georgia! My name is Paul Malhotra and I am 12 years old. I just wanted to thank you very much for serving our country and helping preserve freedom in the world. I love America and I know you do too, since you are willing to work so hard and make so many sacrifices.

You are true heroes and I appreciate what you do for me and my family and my church and my city and my state and my nation and my world. We pray for all our brave troops and our great Commander-in-Chief every single day. Please know that there are many people here that love and admire and support our military and look forward to your returning safely home to America.

Thank you again for everything you do. It is truly awesome.

Paul Malhotra

To Col. Oliver North
C/O Fox News Channel
Saturday, March 15, 2003

Dear Col. North,

I know you're a little busy right now for fan mail, but you will hopefully receive this some day. I've been a real admirer of yours since the early '80's, when I was a young Marine wife and budding journalist. I'm a devotee of FOX News and a fan of your military history show (especially loved the one on Army arial rocket artillery in Vietnam, as my dad, Lt. Col. Roger Bartholomew (KIA Vietnam '68) was an original Charlie Battery guy, and I was the typical Army brat of the '60's). You captured the whole era brilliantly.

I write to you today because of the incredible, touching and inspiring report you did from "up North" in Kuwait last night, March 14. My loved one is a 26-year, career Marine currently at CENTCOM (thus in a safer spot than he's been in the past). But I have many close friends, aviators and grunts, who are probably near you. As a "veteran" camp follower, I'm pretty tough about deployments, but the one thing that has had me concerned have been reports from Hack and others that our guys have not been adequately equipped in the NBC area (and you know us wives try not to voice our fears to our husbands). Your report last night, specifically addressing these issues, moved me to tears...you were so reassuring, passionate and substantive....

Whether you realized it or not, Colonel, you were talking right to me and to all the other loved ones back home, and you were talking from your heart....maybe it takes a real Marine to report on the Marines...I don't know. But I want to thank you from the very bottom of MY heart for the reports you're filing and the gung-ho attitude you bring with you to journalism -- it means SO very much to hear reports filed with perspective, maturity and YES, PATRIOTISM (we knew you were a gung-ho Marine...now we see the stellar transition you've made). I got tears also when you wished your wife happy birthday the other day...guess that's the wimp in me....

Most FOX watchers are aware of the very real dangers facing our military and our country. We thank God for this news network and the professionals it employs. So keep up the truly inspiring work... soon, I know, all the contact I'll have with my MGySgt. will be what you guys are reporting. Thank you, thank you, for going all the way.

Semper Fi.

Laura Armstrong
Atlanta, Ga.


Hey Troops!

Just an email to let you know my family and America are with you all the way. We see you putting up with bad conditions and having to wait, wait, wait. Having done a career in the Army myself, I understand what it means to be where you are now.

God speed to you all, be careful, remember what you have been taught, keep a clear head and carry out the mission. You will be ok and come home heroes.

God bless all of you, God Bless America!

John Douglas
State Representative
GA House of Representatives
District 73, Covington, GA


Dear Troops,

I just want to say that contrary to what you may hear on the news, we, the people of the United States of America (at least most of us), support you 1000%.

We understand the need to rid the world of Saddam Hussein and his evil regime. We realize this is not about oil or power, this is about making the world safe and freeing the Iraqi people.

Our prayers are with you.

Joyce Andrews
Principal Travel Company
770 988-8100
1-877-988-8100 (outside Atlanta)