Letters To Troops & Sundry Other Stuff, Volume 1, Issue 4

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

"We are all anti-war -- and American troops in Afghanistan and the Persian Gulf represent the kind of protest that terrorists can understand." -- Thomas Sowell

"Iraqis are broadcasting videos of American captives being tortured and killed. Any American newsman or news executive who broadcasts or publishes such images so parents and families can see their children and loved ones being tortured and killed should be beaten up and then terminated immediately."

Gordon Curtis
Atlanta, GA


Selected excerpts from the AJC Vent:

"The White House and Pentagon press corps sure asks a lot of dumb questions."

"After the coalition forces finish in Iraq, maybe they can clean out San Francisco."

"SADDAM: Surely a Dead Dictator Any Moment."

"The Dixie Chicks should change their name to the Baghdad Broads."

"Why is the theme to "The Pink Panther" always playing while Hans Blix is speaking?"

"Thousands of peace demonstrators were arrested in the U.S., many for tying up traffic, breaking windows, assaulting police and burning cars. Give peace a chance indeed."

"With the economy as it is, if Georgia politicians plan to raise our taxes, they'd better first hire some extra bankruptcy court judges."

"After listening to Michael Moore's speech at the Academy Awards last night, I now know how he chose the name for his book, "Stupid White Men."

"The Oscars have never been less relevant."

"Why guard the Oscars? Terrorists are not going to attack France or Hollywood."

"Thanks to France, my wife has sworn off her French maid outfit for good. I hate France."

"I don't want to listen to the likes of Barbra Streisand or Sheryl Crow talk about politics. And I don't want to listen to Bush sing, either."

"I heard the ring of the rope on the pole, then the flapping sound like that of the wings of a giant eagle. I looked up and saw Old Glory in the March wind. Man, what a beautiful sight."

"Can we please start the impeachment hearings for Martin Sheen?"

"A CNN battlefield correspondent was in an area getting fired on, but wouldn't don his helmet while on camera. Appears the "Doonesbury" cartoons are eerily correct."

"Americans marching against the government in the U.S. aren't heroes. Americans marching against the government in Iraq are."

(Letter from radio station website in Lubbock, home of the Dixie Chick that spewed forth about our president)

Name: LT Layne McDowell
Date: 03/15/03 Time: 01:54:49 PM

An open letter to the Dixie Chicks:

Earlier this week, while performing in London, you stated that you were ashamed that our President is from your home state. I wonder if you realized how many Americans would be listening. This American was listening. This Texan is ashamed that you come from my state.

I serve my country as an officer in the United States Navy. Specifically, I fly F-14 Tomcats off carriers around the world, executing the missions that preserve the very freedom you claim to exercise. I have proudly fought for my country in the skies over Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan without regret.

Though I may disagree wholeheartedly with your comments, I will defend to the death your right to say them, in America. But for you to travel to a foreign land and publicly criticize our Commander in Chief is cowardice behavior. Would you have so willingly made those comments while performing for a patriotic, flag-waving crowd of Texans in Lubbock? I would imagine not.

How dare you pocket profits off songs about soldiers, their deaths and patriotism while criticizing their Commander in Chief abroad, even while they prepare to give their lives to ensure your own freedom of speech. Please ask yourself, what have you done to deserve that sacrifice? Do not try to justify your comments by claiming that you made them only because you care about innocent lives. Never once in our history have we committed troops to war for the purpose of taking innocent lives. We do it to protect innocent lives, even yours.

If the world leaders of the late 1930's had the vision and courage of our present Commander in Chief, perhaps the evil men who caused the death of millions in WWII would have never had the opportunity to harm a soul. The potential loss of millions of lives in the future at the hands of today's evil men necessitate action.

In a separate correspondence, I am returning to you each and every Dixie Chicks CD and cassette that I have ever purchased. Never again will I allow my funds to support your behavior. All you have done is to add your name to a growing list of American "Celebrities" who have failed to realize that they have obtained their successes on the backs of the American blue-collar workers such as our servicemen and women. To Natalie Maines: This Texan, this American will continue to risk his life to guarantee your freedoms. What will you do to deserve it?


Tony Parsons, UK Columnist

Mar 17 2003

I HOPE that the continent of Europe never again needs help from the United States of America.

I hope that there's never some murderous little tyrant - another Hitler, another Milosevic - that Europe needs help in taming.

I hope there's never some economic catastrophe that requires American dollars to make it right, as they did at the end of the Second World War.

I hope that the Euro experiment works.

I hope that all those peace-loving souls in Belgium, Germany and France can somehow muster an army to protect themselves.

I hope that the continent I live on never again needs to go cap in hand to the Americans. Because if that black day ever comes, I have the feeling that America might just tell Europe where to go.

On the eve of war, there is a tangible anger in America. But surprisingly little of it is directed against the Iraqis. It is the French who are detested.

"This is all about oil," the Brits hear all the time. And Americans think it is "all about oil" too.

The $50 billion worth of oil contracts that France has with Iraq.

In American eyes, that is why the French are so keen to avoid war. Anti-French feeling in the United Kingdom is never more than a passing fancy, a jokey bit of "hop-off-you-Frogs" banter.

Not in America. The cafeteria in the House of Representatives no longer serves French fries - chips to you and me, guvnor. Now they sell something called "freedom fries". That sounds nuts - and of course it is. But when a furious Congresswoman presents a "bring home our dead" bill demanding that the 75,000 American men and boys who died in France during two world wars be dug up and brought home, you realise that this is more than "hop-off-you-Frogs" banter.

Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite says, "The remains of our brave servicemen should be buried in patriotic soil, not in a country that has turned its back on the US and on the memory of Americans who fought and died there." That's the difference between the British and the Americans. We do not feel that the British casualties in two world wars died to liberate the French. We believe that we were fighting for our nation's survival.

Just like the Russians. It is different for Americans. Throughout the 20th century, through two world wars and one Cold War, America gave all the blood and money Europe needed to keep it free.

They feel that the current crisis has proved that Europeans are, when all is said and done, an ungrateful bunch of Euro bastards who do not give a flying baguette about the 75,000 American graves in Europe.

Anti-European feeling goes right across the board of public opinion, even among the millions of Americans who are passionately against attacking Iraq. America is united in feeling betrayed by Europe. America is finally starting to understand that - to Europe's eternal shame - there is an opinion that 9/11 was America's comeuppance.

Secretaries and waiters leaping from the top of the burning twin towers? The fault of American arrogance. A terrified four-year-old girl cowering at the back of a hijacked plane? Blame it on America's support for Israel. A stewardess with her throat slit by a carpet cutter? One in the eye for American imperialism.

Those 3,000 dead, murdered on live television? Europe blames America. When 9/11 happened, you might have expected to see Palestinians dancing in the street. But who would have expected the grim look of satisfaction on the faces of old Europe? But the British are absolved of Europe's sins. Those who are against the war admire Britain because we had a peace march where one million people filled the streets. Those for the war admire Britain because Tony Blair has been a true friend to America.

And although the man on the M25 might make jibes about Blair being a "poodle", among American hawks our Prime Minister is seen as dangerously strong-willed. There is a school of opinion in America that believes the war could have been over by last Christmas if Tony
Blair had not been so keen on proceeding through the correct diplomatic channels. Nobody calls Tony Blair a poodle in the USA.

It has been good to be British in America these past few weeks. For America has been reminded that Britain is the best friend it has in the world, joined by blood, language, history, instinct and culture.

When will the British wake up from their pathetic little dreams of being Europeans and realise that we have been looking for our future in all the wrong places? Who wants to be European today? Who wants to be an ungrateful, unprincipled, two-faced, pacifist, Euro-grasping, oil-hungry Lilliputian?

No matter what happens over the coming days and weeks, it is true what they say. The English Channel is far wider than the Atlantic.

To The Troops,

Just wanted to let ya'll know that everyone I know is behind you guys 200%!! You have a tough job to do but we have every faith that you'll get it done. We're also praying for you and your families daily and pray that you'll make it home safely.

I'm a teacher and am constantly talking to my classes about what you are doing over there. We watch a News show daily for students called Channel One and they are doing a great job explaining about the war and what you're doing.


Kerry Deptula

My family and I thank you and your families for all you are doing to preserve our American way of life. We are with you all the way. Pay no attention to the "creeps" who are protesting the war. Either they have no knowledge of what is required to protect our country and that of oppressed people all over the world or they don't care.


Payne and Elaine Ricketson
God Bless!


To all the Mighty Military,

Every chance I get I saw a prayer for all of you as I know how focused you have to be at what you're doing for all of us. Your extreme sacrifice for the Freedom Loving People is so appreciated regardless of what you may see on TV or hear from other sources of the liberal media/hollyweirdos.

The Freedom Loving People are the ones who work hard and don't have time for marches of any kind. To march in protest against one's Country's ideals would not be in our thinking.

As far as the ones surrendering and then coming back and firing upon you, we would hope that THEY would be fired upon first, as preventative measures. We surly would enjoy seeing them running for cover!!!


S. Hall
Apple Valley, CA
Near Ft. Irwin


Trooper Tribute
March 10, 2003

Inhaling pounds of desert dust,
You fulfill a commitment
And honor a trust.

Combating a foe
Both seen and unseen
Making every attempt
To wipe the slate clean!

Using an arsenal
Of tanks and gigabytes
You vigorously defend
Humanity’s rights.

Away from your loved ones
In familial deprivation,
Sequestering yourselves
For the good of all nations.

May God give you grace
And Heavenly cover,
With Him as your Fortress,
And eternal Lover.

Mark A. Smith
Brookston, Indiana
Mark Smith


Dear Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines,

Thank you for serving your country and doing a difficult job under trying and dangerous circumstances. You should know that the vast majority of patriotic Americans support your mission. You are at the beginning of a movement that will change the course of history for the better. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May you serve with courage and honor and return to us soon.

Edward A. Watkins
LTC, USA, Retired
Decatur, GA


Thank You and Be Safe!

I just want to thank each and every one of you for defending our rights!!!

Keep up the good work and definitely stay safe!!!



Kick Ass! God bless each and everyone of you!!! And may you all have a safe return.


The Harris Family
Augusta Georgia


Our Thanks To Each of You,

Today is Sunday, March 23rd, and according to the television reports you are meeting with some tough resistance. We are praying for your victory and safe return in our churches and our homes here in my community. We owe you a debt of gratitude which can never be repaid because you are out there putting yourselves in harms way to defend the life we enjoy here in the United States.

We will continue to pray for each of you. Godspeed.

Mike and Teresa Sears
Carnesville, GA


Dear Troops,

You guys are doing a great job...

We continue to keep you and yours in our prayers...

Robert J. Badger 1Sg. US Army Ret. & Sarah Crandall


Thank you to each and every one of America's finest! Our prayers and thoughts are with you. Please be safe. I have attached a picture of my daughter. It is because of your sacrifice that I know that she will be able to live a free and wonderful life. I hope that all of you will be home with your families in the near future.

God bless you all,

David J. Pecora

Just wanted to let you know that we are behind you and praying for your safety and a quick conclusion to this action. May Good bless you for your willingness to fight and protect us. You men and women are the best!

John & Anita Taylor

To all Members of U.S. Forces,

You are doing an outstading job.You are all a credit to your country and your uniform. You have the support and prayers of your biggest fans, the American People!Keep your body armor on and keep 5 yards!


Tony Gorman
Miami, FL

"We sleep safe in our beds, because rough men stand ready in the night
to visit violence on those who would do us harm." -- George Orwell

My thoughts and prayers are with you each and every one. I thank you for what you are doing and pray that you are home safely very soon.

My love,

Beverly Weeks

God Bless You All

I may not be sure about the war, but I am sure about you. I support our Troops with my whole being. You are our heart and soul, our sons, daughters. I have a grandson in Iraq in the Marines, a son-in- aw in the Marines still State-side, and a nephew in the Army that is at this moment headed over there. I am proud to be an American and you are what makes me be able to be an American. God Bless you and please all come home safely.

Jeannie Evans
FreeLance4U, Inc
Vietnam Vet Owned
Tacoma, WA


To the Troops:

I just wanted you to know that WE ARE ALL BEHIND you and are so proud that you are there for us. We think of you all the time and feel so grateful for EVERYTHING that you are going through.

I just wanted you to know that WE ARE THERE FOR YOU when you return.......ALL OUR BRAVE STRONG TROOPS.......we Love you and you are in our prayers.

Amanda Young
Camarillo, CA


Hello from sunny, pollen-covered, Georgia. I thought you all needed an "atta boy" or two. I think that your bravery and courage speak volumes as to the TRUE heart of Americans.

You are the epitome of the spirit of our founders. We are a tough, yet big-hearted people who have historically been the protectors of the weak.

I see the GREAT job you are doing and am praying for the continued success of your mission and your safety.

God Bless YOU,
Laurie Martin

Dear Soldier, Sailor, Marine or Airman:

Thank you for putting your life on the line in order to preserve and defend the freedoms which we Americans enjoy. I am a U.S. Navy Viet Nam vet, and I know what you're going through. Thank God those who support Saddam and vilify America are considerably fewer in number than they were when we 'Nam vets returned.

Unfortunately, they are still hampered by the same gnat-sized brains and contempt for their country as were the "blame America firsters" of the earlier generations.

God bless America, God bless President Bush--and God bless our servicemen who are protecting our country's interests abroad and placing themselves in harm's way.

Let's all hope the generals, admirals and civilian chiefs come to the full realization that women service members have no place in combat, and that eventually they will all be returned to support roles in rear echelons.

Scott Chadwick
Former SM1, USN
Marietta, GA

Want to write a support letter for our troops? We have set-up a special e-mail address called TroopLetters@aol.com. We will collect letters to send out special editions called "Letters To Troops" that contains all of this correspondence for our national subscribers to read, but primarily to send word to the international community that America doesn't exist how CNN and ABC and the Hollywood Socialists paint us. We are a strong and proud nation and we have no problem expressing love for our country, and strong support of our troops and our president, George W. Bush.

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