Re: Cobb GOP Fiasco and Poll

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Dear PV,

First of all, the Political Vine and its contents (Rumors Have It...Cobb GOP FUBAR-Again...April 2, 2003) was the absolute LAST thing I expected to get in my inbox this morning. Having ridden out the political BS of the month of February and all the backstabbing and mudslinging and cheating that ensued, I thought the FUBAR masters had gotten what they wanted. While I knew that there was no chance that the Sixth District would escape unscathed, I was amazed to see that they waited until the final week before district conventions to make their moves.

Anyone serving as a Cobb County Sixth District activist knows that the Cobb County Nominating Committee made a mockery of the process when previous delegates to the Sixth District and those already sitting on the Executive Committee for said district were not named as delegates, but as alternates (or even named as a delegate to a different district altogether), and had to literally argue their way onto the roster as a full-fledged delegate. This was, apparently, the start of their run for control of the Sixth District.

I find it curious that I have received neither e-mail nor snail mail from anyone running for the Sixth District Executive Committee with the exception of Sue Everhart. To me, that seems downright cowardly. There have been no forums, no debates, not even a statement of platform or beliefs. If this is how Sue's opposition thinks political campaigns and politics in general is supposed to run, they are sorely mistaken.

Furthermore, I am shocked, and yet at the same time happy, that I did not receive the e-mail purportedly written by "Bill Simon" from "" I thought I was on every blasted e-mail list in the state (guess I have more work to do). Had it come directly to me, I am not sure if I would have been able to hold back my disgust and fury at whoever the author may be. My only hope is that the author went back to check his/her e-mail after sending that filth to find an inbox full of protest, anger, and disgust. The mere idea of the e-mail and the manner in which it was sent is so outrageously ridiculous that I am confident it did the sender and his cause more harm then good.

Finally, as if I could be disheartened further (and the REAL cause of my letter), after reading the article from the e-mail I clicked to be forwarded to the website (as is my custom). What should I happen to see but a Website Poll (and no, I am not stupid or naive, I know this is not a scientific poll) asking "What is the most pressing thing on your mind right now?" I am absolutely nauseated to find that 53.33% say that the most pressing thing on their mind is not war in Iraq (where our own friends, neighbors and family members are DYING to ensure our rights to even HAVE such a poll), but the design on the Georgia State Flag.

If these people are republicans, I am ashamed to call myself one of their peers. I know they are not Americans. I can't express my anger enough that people would find a stupid piece of fabric to be more important and worth more of their time and energy then support or concern for the men and women fighting RIGHT NOW (not 140 years ago) under our one TRUE flag, The Stars and STRIPES. At that, I am, for once in my life, utterly speechless.

Meghan Leigh Hill
Disgusted in Cobb County