Notes from Neo

Monday, May 12, 2003

By Sierra Baker

ABOARD THE H.C. NEBUCHANEZZER. Have you ever noticed how much the ultra-liberal domination over "news" prior to the emergence of Talk Radio, the Internet and other forms of "the new media" resembled The Matrix in the movie of the same name? If you are one of the only two people in America who hasn't seen the original film, the basic plot involves the creation by machines of a false cyber reality for the minds of humans so that the machines can "feed" off of the electricity generated by the humans' bodies.

The Matrix is a computer program created by the machines to imprison the minds of humans so that their bodies could be used by the machines basically as batteries. In essence, humans are "grown" in pods for the benefit of the machines while their minds sleepwalk through life existing in what the imprisoned human mind perceives to be reality, but which is not. This false reality, so the premise goes, provides the humans with the daily stress and grind necessary to survive but in a fashion whereby the energy created by their bodies can be conveniently and productively harvested for the benefit of the machines. Order is maintained in the Matrix by the machines' alter egos in this cyber-reality, the superpowerful "Agents."

It does not take one long to imagine how this false reality of the Matrix corresponds exactly to the liberal media monopoly that existed in the United States since the late 1960's. Reality, to the imprisoned minds of television viewers subjected to the monopoly of the Big Three broadcast networks, existed solely in the Matrix of what ultra-liberals like Dan Rather and, now we know, Walter Conkrite beamed into American living rooms night after night.

Reality existed only in the construct of Liberal-Socialist-Marxist propaganda. "The Tet Offensive is a huge success for the Viet Cong and America is losing the War," announced Agent Conkrite and it was so. It did not matter that Agent Conkrite either was wrong or lied in his analysis. Rather, in the minds of millions of Americans, this false reality became The Truth, unquestionable and irrefutable. Ask virtually any "regular guy" in the street of Atlanta over the age of fifty what his three sources of news are and he will tell you some version of "The Atlanta Journal Constitution, WSB-TV Channel 2 and ABC World News Tonight." And so it was during the 1970's, 80's and 90's. In this false reality, Ronald Reagan represented the greatest danger to the planet, children performed poorly in school because they didn't have a free breakfast and greedy corporations were the source of virtually all of the world's problems.

But something dramatic happened. As in the movie, humans were able to break free from the false reality created by the Matrix. They were able to discover the truth about their imprisonment. They were able to think and act free from the control and manipulation of the machines. And thus was born a Rebellion. Rather than a temper tantrum by angry White Males, as Agent Jennings described the 1994 elections to the minds imprisoned in the matrix of the liberal media, the 1994 elections represented a revolution of information. No longer could the masses be held in the prison of liberal-socialist dogma presented through monopolistic hypnosis by the Big Three networks and their mate, CNN.

Rather than humans in the Matrix having their minds freed, Americans were free to challenge the liberal orthodoxy of the evening news and the socialist megapapers. Alternative sources of information, loosed from the control of socialist totalitarian censors, provided the truth to those who had broken free.

And the results were dramatic. For the first time in modern history, Republicans controlled the White House and both Houses of Congress. Conservatives controlled a thin majority in the United States Supreme Court. Republicans controllled a majority of governorships and even won in Georgia.

The machines will not give up without a fight and only the thinnest of majorities have been freed from the Matrix of the liberal-socialist control over the major media. But with Al Gore's invention of the Internet came a new era of freedom and hope for all Americans to be free to know The Truth beyond the Liberal Media's Matrix.

Sierra Baker