Fundraising Record-Breakers!

Friday, July 08, 2005

Rumors have it that two campaigns will be clocking-in with record-breaking fundraising numbers.

Lt. Governor Candidate Casey Cagle announced on Wednesday that he topped-out at $625,000 raised, all from donors other than himself, and 99% of which came from in-Georgia individual citizen contributors and businesses here in Georgia. Total contributors are more than 575.

Cagle's fundraising is quite exemplary when it is realized that his contributions all came within a 3-month time period, ever since the close of the 2005 legislative session.

Cagle's only announced Republican opponent, Ralph "Double-Dealing" Reed, has had 6 months to raise money since he does not serve in the legislature (Georgia has an ethics law that forbids any elected official from collecting money during a legislative session).

No word yet from the Reed campaign as to how much they have raised. We expect to find an initial burst followed by a significant drop-off around the last of May to June 30 time period due to the truth about Reed's involvement in knowingly setting-up financial laundering operations through Christian and other 501(c)(4) organizations.

And, the Cathy Cox Campaign for Governor has announced that their disclosure will show a whopping $2.1 million raised since the close of the 2005 legislative session.

Her primary opposition opponent, Mark "Jabba The Hut" Taylor hasn't reported his 2005 campaign funds yet, however, as of his December 31, 2004 disclosure, he had raised only $1.884 million, and he started his campaign back in June 2004.

Earlier this year, when Cox first announced her intention to run for Governor, Taylor issued these comments: "Cathy Cox can't raise the money to beat us...

Our guess is that not only will Cathy Cox be able to raise the money to beat Mark Taylor, even if there wasn't a race, Cox could beat the snot out of Taylor in just about any game in town (except, perhaps, the amount of cornbread one has to stuff down their gullet in 15 minutes).

Debuting on This Week's Georgia Gang

The Georgia Public Policy Foundation's Vice-President, Benita Dodd, will be appearing this Sunday morning at 9:30 AM on FOX 5's The Georgia Gang. Tune-in to see what happens when a woman with intelligence joins the mix.

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