Re: Anthony-Scott Hobbs

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Dear PV:

In reading about a pending lawsuit against you by Mr. Hobbs, I venture to say that anyone in politics is considered a public figure and therefore will be written about either in a negative or positive light. I dare say Mr. Hobbs probably became frightened when reading about himself in a different light than what he prefers and can only cover his embarrassment by suing. Mr. Hobbs clearly takes himself too seriously. Unfortunately, a lawsuit is only going to make it worse for him--sort of like shooting himself in the foot.

Continue your publications and keep us updated--if you don't get sued once in a while, you probably aren't doing a good job!

Nancy Benavent
Lawrenceville, GA

PV's Response: Kewl! Maybe we should start working towards getting lawsuit threats much more often than "once in a while."

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