Re: Message From England

Friday, February 14, 2003

To Whom it may concern,

I am one American who wants to say thank you for your kind words. I also want all the people of your great nation to know in any time of crises I and everyone I know would stand shoulder to shoulder with defending and protecting your freedoms. As an American I find it hard to understand how any peoples of any nation could forget so quickly the innocents robbed from if not the adults, then the children. How is there any justice in killing babies whom God has given us to enjoy.

On another note in reference to World War II, I wasn't alive during this time and therefore only have history books and educational channels to base my options on. After several documentaries I have watched, I hold Winston Churchill as being one of the highest "Great Men" of those times. One can only imagine had the people of my generation been there, what would the world be today. I am in the opinion that we are a spoilt generation whom forgot the prices our forefathers paid for freedom against Hitler and his regime.

Once again thank you for your kind remarks and God Bless American and the UK and all freedom loving people around the world.

Thank You!

Kelly Pittman

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