Re: Diebold Election Machines

Friday, August 01, 2003

Dear PV,

In her haste to get the new machines on line Ms. Cox did not allow time for the Democrat Party to learn how to stuff the ballot box. The Democrats in the courthouses will have had ample time to figure it out by the next election.

There was nothing wrong with the Shoup lever machines. Even though they were 40 or 50 years old the days of use added up to less than 6 months. They weren't near wearing out. The new machines require TLC and must be plugged in on a quarterly basis. The old Shoups could be forgotten until needed again, when, at worst, a shot of WD-40 and a well placed kick would have them back in order. Some jurisdictions even stored them in open sheds.

The new code does away with inspection by the grand jury. The courthouse crowd or their hired technicians do it all.

William "Mitch" Mitcheltree
Winterville, GA

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