Re: Immigration

Friday, August 01, 2003

Dear PV,

Thank You Donna for the wonderful article, Immigration based of Logic and Reality!!!

I learned back in grade school in the 30's what an IMMIGRANT is. Can't ever remember it being the same as an ILLEGAL ALIEN (criminal in the USA). Guess you know we have NO ONE or very few that know logics or reality. Our Immigration Laws are being made a MOCKERY of, they are being twisted, turned and made to believe what ever most of our elected cronies want it to mean. Far from REALITY I would say.

It is sad that my country is losing it's sovereignty. Seem's our Constitution and Laws are forgotten the minute these elected representatives that are suppose to support the Constitution have forgotten or never went by it in the first place. Who knows what is in store in the future for our young ones?

I feel deeply hurt and saddened what is going on. What America needs is like the Marine slogan, "The Marines are looking for a few good Men." America only needs a few good men and women that believe in what they raised there right hand, will uphold our Constitution and Laws.

"Dream on John, politicians will always be politicians, worry about their ego problems and how many votes they will get, legal or illegal...Oh yes, and don't forget the God All-mighty Dollar, John!!

Anyway, I said it, I believe in what I said, and I will appologize to anyone that can find me wrong.

Best for you,

John W. Lee
Pacoima, California

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