Dear PV,I read [Donna Locke's] article and agree with all [her] comments. The unfortunate thing is that most of the Democrats and Republicans don't see it that way. Their primary goal is to be reelected in 2004.
What's in their best interest comes first. Most of them do not have the wisdom to make the decisions that is in the best interest of this nation. The special interest groups have the most influence. Individuals have little or no influence. I know from the emails and letters sent to my Congressman.
Now that the damage has has been done, it will be impossible to change immigration policies. Congress has no intention of correcting the immigration policies for the best interest of this nation. Just look at the economic disaster facing California, and which soon will face the entire nation. Between the various free trade agreements, immigration policies, Federal budget deficits year after year, a national debt out of control, and a trade deficit out of control since 1980, America is on its way to becoming a third world
The only thing an individual can do is to prepare for the economic collapse in the standard of living in this country. Those who are prepared will not suffer as much financially as those who are not. There were those who were prepared before the Great Depression that did not suffer as much as those who were not.
Fred Miller