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The Cobb County Rot Spreads To Fulton County...

Saturday, February 15, 2003

By PV Staff

Rumors have it that 6th District Chairman Sue Everhart is getting paid $200,000 by the Bob Barr Campaign for the 6th District Congressional Seat AND she has made a deal with the Mike Kenn Campaign for the same 6th District seat for $300,000. Both campaigns reportedly have indicated they are both fine with this arrangement and both Barr and Kenn have stated that "having Sue work for both of us at the same time for the same seat would allow much better communications between our two competing campaigns."

PV Laughs Heartily: We had you all going there for a minute, right? You folks in Fulton and in Cobb actually believed this, didn't you?

PV's Reality Mode Clicks On: Well, unfortunately, something quite similar to this IS being maliciously spread about Sue Everhart by the same Cobb County rot that broke the rules for their county convention (discussed at length in our Top Story). Some little Gollum-like creature is whispering into the ear of the Mike Kenn group that "Sue Everhart is supporting Bob Barr and is on his payroll," and Marilyn Gilhuly herself, the Wicked Witch of the East, personally made a phone call to the Bob Barr campaign and told them that Sue Everhart has been hired by the Kenn folks.

Marilyn Gilhuly is one sick, evil, slimy creature. And, anyone who supports her is also just as sick and slimy. People like Edward Leidelmeyer, who works in the Economic Development department of Fulton County Government is one such supporter of Marilyn's and is rumored to be the source of the malicious rumor about Sue in Fulton.

This you can count on: everything that drips from Marilyn's maw is just as evil and smelly as the intake pipe to the Cobb County sewage treatment plant.

The fact is that Sue Everhart, as 6th District Chair, did appear at a gathering of Bob Barr supporters a week ago Friday to listen to the proceedings. The "gathering" was an exploratory committee meeting held at the Marietta Conference Center. Sue was asked her opinion on who might be entering the race for 6th District, and she rattled off names like Tom Price, Mike Kenn, Chuck Clay, Robert Lamutt, etc. and, according to our source, had nice things to say about all of them.

She did not make any derogatory comments about any of the candidates. Anyone who tells anyone that she did is very likely cut from the same slime pit as Gilhuly. Anyone who believes such bullshit should seriously consider having their heads examined.

In any case, Sue Everhart has given her word to the Political Vine that if she were to be hired by any campaign, she would immediately resign from her chairmanship of the 6th District. She stated to us that if any campaign wishes to hire her as a campaign manager or some other such role in a campaign for money, she is willing to consider the prospect.

But, again, if she took any role in a contested primary, whether paying or volunteer, she has emphatically stated to us that she would resign rather than muddy the process. We believe her on this and stand by her word. You should as well.

PV's Final Word On This Issue: So, if we hear anymore about this from either Fulton County or Cobb County or any other place where Marilyn operatives work, we will step-up our War On Evil to something other than what transpires in phone call conversations. Chasing false rumors is very time-consuming and accomplishes nothing, which is exactly the reason why evil people like Marilyn and her sychophantic, psychotic, supporters engage in this type of activity.

PV Staff

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