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Democrats In Disarray?

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Rumors have it that this morning (Friday, October 3), Speculative Democratic Candidate for U.S. Senate Andrew Young has announced his intention...not to run for the open Georgia seat.

Young was due to speak this morning in Washington, D.C. during the breakfast meeting of the Democratic Study Group on National Security [PV Ponders: Democrats care about National Security???] where he formally announced his decision not to run.

PV's Analysis: Look, it kinda makes sense that he won't be running. First, he is 71 years old, which is exactly how old Zell Miller is who's retiring from the seat. And, Young has had past health problems with prostate cancer.

So, not to disparage Andrew Young for his age, the fact is that the amount of physical and mental exertion required for a year-long statewide campaign is a grueling exercise.

Speculation in some circles is that Former U.S. Senator Max Cleland may seek the seat. The only currently announced candidate on the Dem side is State Senator Mary "Freckled White Legs" Squires.

Michelle Nunn, daughter of former Dem U.S. Senator Sam Nunn will likely make an announcement that she will enter the race.

The Demmie winner will face-off in the 2004 General Election against whoever the GOP picks from a field including Representatives Johnny Isakson and Mac Collins, Former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain, and Businessman Al Bartell.

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