Let's End Judicial Tyranny

Sunday, February 15, 2004

 - - Herman Cain, Candidate for U.S. Senate

The Massachusetts Supreme Court’s ruling last Wednesday is one more confirmation that United States judges are legislating from the bench. Our Founding Fathers had the foresight to have a constitutional separation of powers and these judges are overreaching their constitutional authority by rewriting legislation from the courtroom. Judges made the unjust ruling that only full, equal marriage rights for gay couples, not just civil unions, is constitutional. This is just one of many reckless decisions made by these liberal-minded individuals.

There needs to be an end to the judicial tyranny that has become the norm in courts across our Nation. Conservative Senators are needed in Washington to get President Bush’s judges confirmed, so that liberal activist judges will not infringe upon our constitutional rights.

The Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling and other recent court decisions continue the flood of judicial tyranny that has been chipping away at our core values. When the Pledge of Allegiance was declared unconstitutional by the 9th Court Circuit of Appeals in June 2002, a Senate resolution supporting the Pledge was approved 99-0. In this case, the legislators understood that judges were no longer interpreting the law, they were creating it.

We need action now to protect our rights before these liberal judges try to take them away. One of the first things I will do as a United States Senator from Georgia is sign onto the Religious Liberties Protection Act (S. 1558). Introduced in August 2003, this bill would confirm the right to display the Ten Commandments, keep the word “God” in the Pledge of Allegiance and maintain the motto “In God we trust”. We need this legislation today and I will fight for it.

The United States is still the greatest country in the world and we need lawmakers in place to continue this legacy. The future of our Nation is never certain, but the moral foundation of this country is unshakeable. Everyday we have an opportunity to make this world better. Our children and grandchildren look to us for a brighter future; let us be bold in our ideas, strong in our leadership and unyielding in our moral foundation. And let us forevermore remain, one Nation under God.

Herman Cain, a conservative Republican from McDonough, Ga., is running for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Zell Miller (D-GA). A successful businessman and author of three books, Cain has served as Chairman and CEO of Godfathers Pizza as well as head of the National Restaurant Association. Married for 35 years, Cain has two children and one grandchild. He is also an associate minister at Antioch Baptist Church North in Atlanta.

Editor's Note: The foregoing opinion was unsolicited and the Political Vine takes no position in the Republican race for U.S. Senate. If any other candidate wishes to have their opinion printed on whatever topic they wish (excluding cannon fodder on your opponent(s)), such opinions can be submitted to us for review.

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