Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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2008 GOP Presidential Possibilities

by Bill Simon

Here is the list as I know it, and my probabilities of them winning the primaries:

George Allen (0% to NFW*)
Bill Frist (0% to NFW)
Duncan Hunter (25%)
Rudy Giulani (20%)
John McCain (20%)
Mitt Romney (20%)

*NFW stands for No F***ing Way!

Who is on your Presidential-Do List and why?

226 Responses to “2008 GOP Presidential Possibilities”

  1. John Konop Says:


    I posted this story on my blog. Do you and Romney agree with the Christian Coalition a crusade against gay marriage is more important that helping the poor?


  2. Afu Says:

    That was a question. Who in this nation doesn’t know a Mormon? You just told me that the ones you know are model citizens.

    You don’t think that if a person who doesn’t know what mormonism is will ask that mormon about it? Have you ever asked your acquaintances about their being a Mormon? If no, why? Well now you have a reason to. You make it sound like they’re trying to hide something from you.

    Is this Kolob comment that you made a dig at the religion or Romney? I’m not sure that I get it.

  3. John Konop Says:


    Bottom line many grass roots conservative are sick of vote for us because we are not as bad as the other guy. The reason Webb switch Parties because he did not want to hear it anymore. The question to me is will the real conservatives in the GOP be able to work with Blue Dog Democrats? Also are the Blue Dogs just all talk?

    Big Government conservatives and liberals are the problem end of story!

  4. Will Says:

    Here is how Mitt will approach the Mormon question: Beware of trying to dig too deep into this religion (pro or anti), you may end up joining or at least intellecually sympathizing with. That will speak for itself and it has for millions already. Yes there are boys througout world riding bikes, wearing helmets and suits, going door to door and ulitmately getting some real lessons in life but most people join by doing the research and coming approaching boys. Mitt isn’t scared of the research. Why should he be? Neither is the LDS church. They love it. They have devoted entire schools, foundations and have written literally thousands of books on those subjects.

    There are mormon hate groups that won’t soften their stance about the Mormons no matter what you give them. Well then I say to them – vote for McCain or Juliani have a hay day. You may as well vote for Hillary.

    I am still interested in the issues though. Let’s get back to putting a conservative agenda in play. Who believes this is possible? I do.

  5. Will Says:

    I am not sure you really understand what a challenge it is to keep government small especially during a war and with increasing liberal momentum. Cutting conservatives down the center and calling on side “big governemt conservatives” and the other side “old-time conservatives” is not the answer my friend. As a matter of fact it is the key problem for all conservatives and the opportunity for the liberal cause.

    If I were a far left strategist I would act the part of the far right and criticize the middle right thereby splitting the two and taking the far right vote. One area where the far right and the far left come together is keeping “government out of our bedrooms”. That, to me, is a strong partnership. I think you understand that if the old-time conservatives turn from the republicans they find themselves in bed with the far lefties. That’s it.

  6. Will Says:

    Given a chance and with full support from the old-time conservatives strong republicans can whittle away at big government. I understand that the argument to this is, “Oh they had the past eight years or so to do this and they let us down.” I hear good old Michael Savage ringing in my ears once again. He’s good at what he does and I love listening to his show but he helped split us like firewood. This would be fine if he and others like him would have brought to the table a candidate to beat all candidates but where is this great conservative leader. I await the entry. Oh and then enters Mitt. No, he couldn’t possibly be the one. He’s a Mormon for crying out loud. So, now we’ve got to find traces of big goverment tendancies to go along with the helping of religious defamation to get him behind us while on our quest for the “great one.” All the while The liberals lick their chops and spin their statistics in order to sway the margin, the doubtfuls. They move strategically to the center and watch us implode on our own bigotry. Hows that for an analysis.

    The thing is, I believe Mitt Romney will rise to this challenge as he has done so on many, many occasions before. We will recognize our dire need for for his leadership. No, he’s not the “next best” conservative candidate; he is “the conservative candidate”.

    Now, if conservatives get behind Mitt then the liberals are left to attack his religion. Perfect, let them show their true colors. They’re not very pretty in the light.

  7. John Konop Says:


    lets get real and not blame Democrats.

    The Highway, Energy, No Child Left Behind, Drug……. What does any of that have to do with liberal Democrats?

    What does bills with 6,000 earmaks on them have to do with Democrats?

    What does President Bush never using a veto on the pork bills have to do with Democrats?

    BTW do you and Romney agree with the Christian Coalition a crusade against gay marriage is more important that helping the poor?

  8. Afu Says:

    Let the attacks on conservatism begin:


  9. Afu Says:


    You asked me that question. I want to ask you if you think that the Christian Coalition is a political or a religious group first?

    If you think it’s a religious group first you’re mistaken. It’s a group that’s on the decline as well. I wouldn’t put much importance to this group. Not sure if you saw there influence in the last two elections. There wasn’t much if at all.

  10. Kevin M Bailey Says:

    Ok Mitt fans I put a call into his office to end the back and forth on his ideas. I asked Sam a member of his staff to look at the web page and have Mitt take part in some dialouge or staff member. So this is my point if he does take part or one of his staff members steps up then the debate should go foward. If 3 people support Mitt but can not step up and answer to the platform or issues then reload and come back.

    To the part of being a mormon so what atleast he does not take bribes from Casino’s.

    To the part of the Christian Coalition they are a dead issue who needs to keep out of peoples life the same as Moveon.org. Those two groups with the title stripped and on the radio would sound the same and sound like the cast from The View.

    The challange for Mitt to respond has been made lets sit back and wait.

  11. Afu Says:

    By the way this guy Hunter changing his mind tells me he didn’t want to get on a ship going nowhere. That he as the chairman couldn’t get what he wanted going where Reed could tells me that either he isn’t very effective or again the prior.

    Pat Robertson hasn’t helped it much either in the recent past with some of the things that he’s done and said.

  12. Afu Says:


    Your point about blaming the Democrats is right…you can’t blame them. The only thing that they did was spotlight the problems, and in a lot of cases the smoke within the GOP. The problems and smoke only got worse because they (GOP) decided not to fight back (always thinking their on the high road even when it’s the low road) and backing up what the conservative wing (the winning wing) of the GOP stands for.

    The GOP thought that they could get away with whatever they were doing, i.e., Duke Cunningham et al. Others just hid behind GW. GW had his own problems with conservatives and could only take them so far before the spotlight started to shine on them and with the Democrat machine glaring you would’ve thought that the GOP was on fire, literally.

  13. Will Says:

    Who’s blaming Democrats?

    Although you sound more and more like one. When you speak of “earmarks” I assume you mean “non-bids”. Funny you should mention this and I know there are a lot of so called conservatives hitting on this point and have been for some time.

    I nearly took a job about a year ago as an estimator for missles at let’s just say a “Large Corporation”. Ooooooooh I’m the bad guy right. Well, let me tell you a little about the process of landing a one of these non-bids.

    It aint easy!

    Usually the contract comes in a little less then if it were to open up competitively. The government requires a stack of paperwork that would make your head spin. They require a very technical analysis (on every component) based on historical data from the previous projects then moving the price forward. If the trend is down well then you must come in lower at the estimated rate. Would you like to talk more on this subject John?? I have much to offer here.

    Blaming GW and big corporations is not the answer either.

    Where do you want to go with energy?? Blame our own again??

    Oh, by the way I happen to an economist and American, ooooooooh now I’m really evil right??

  14. David Says:

    Just had another Dem hopeful cross my mind…General Wesley Clark. With the opposition to the Iraq war at an all time high and gaining popularity, here is a guy who had serious reservations about its’ conduct way back. Smart enough guy and with military credentials that may set him apart from the other Dem doves and pacifist appeasers. There is some question about his “retirement” from the service, though. Unsure what it is but there were some ethical questions there.

  15. John Konop Says:


    Guys like you are pushing people out of the GOP. If I sound like a Democrat for wanting to control spending, immigration and re-negotiate poor trade deals than you are right I am in the wrong PARTY. My Country, Family, friends and neighbors come before any Party bottom line.

    At the end of the day enablers or NEOCONS like you left the conservative movement. The way I look at it, if my views are not welcomed by people in the leadership position at the GOP, than the Party left me. BTW 08 will look worse than the 06 mid-terms with your tax and spend fiscal policy and support and the outsourcing of our Country.You should read about Barry Goldwater and get a clue what a real conservative support.


  16. John Konop Says:


    Adam Smith is the father of free market economics. His book Wealth of Nations is taught in most schools. You might want to read this before getting into a debate about economics.

    § “A monopoly granted either to an individual or to a trading company has the same effect as a secret in trade or manufactures. The monopolists, by keeping the market constantly understocked, by never fully supplying the effectual demand, sell their commodities much above the natural price, and raise their emoluments, whether they consist in wages or profit, greatly above their natural rate.” (vol. I, bk. I, ch. 7.)
    § “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices. It is impossible indeed to prevent such meetings by any law which either could be executed, or would be consistent with liberty and justice.” (vol. I, bk. I, ch. 10.)

    Nature of Man:-
    § “The propensity to truck, barter and exchange one thing for another is common to all men, and to be found in no other race of animals.”

    § “It is the highest impertinence and presumption, therefore, in kings and ministers [read politicians] to pretend to watch over the economy of private people, and to restrain their expense. They are themselves always, and without any exception, the greatest spendthrifts in the society. Let them look well after their own expense, and they may safely trust private people with theirs.” (vol. I, bk. II, ch. 3.)


  17. John Konop Says:

    BTW does Phyllis Schlafly sound like a Democrat?

    The Race to the Middle for 2008

    TCV-by Phyllis Schlafly

    This was great article I read by the President of the Eagle Forum a well respected conservative think tank.

    The biggest electoral bloc of the “they” who are seeking friends is the middle class, which includes people variously labeled blue-collar workers, skilled workers, or Reagan Democrats. They are the swing voters, often called the moveables. President Ronald Reagan’s victories absolutely depended on their support. But Presidents Bush I and II kicked them away from the Republican Party, particularly on the issue of jobs.

    Almost every one of the Republican Members of Congress who bit the dust in the 2006 election had been an enthusiastic booster of the globalists’ agenda: NAFTA, CAFTA, WTO (World Trade Organization), Fast Track, PNTR (Permanent Normal Trading Relations), and Free Trade Agreements (FTA) with countries most Americans never heard of. Republicans were badly on the defensive in the face of Democrat ads touting the issue of jobs

    Will Republicans continue to follow George W. Bush in his post-election travels to solicit even more Asian products made by cheap labor and subsidized by their governments? Or will Republicans get smart on the jobs issue and reestablish their friendship with the Reagan Democrats?

  18. John Konop Says:


    For someone who wants to talk about issues, it is interesting how you hide and avoid real questions!

  19. Will Says:

    Your points about Adam Smith are well taken.

    Do you really believe you’ll get your spending cuts from Democrats? Hows you taxes gonna look here in the next year? The core belief, the binding factor for democrats is MORE GOVERNMENT SPENDING.

    Yes, I feel as betrayed as you about the republican’s spend thrift ways. I look into the spending and am still upset by it. But I take the amount that would have been spent by democrats and think wow we’re better off. Have you ever run those numbers. You should. We actually agree on spending.

    You’re position of separation from the GOP is self destruction. Although, you have an increasingly stronger following. You just don’t have any candidates. So, your out building up a movement without candidates. What candidate would want to run with a seperatist agenda? You need the GOP as the GOP needs you because democrats have all the weaklings of the country, wrapped around their middle finger. They have the media, the music, movies and schools behind them. What a beautiful propoganda machine. Even you have fallen into it, a, “Staunch Reagan Conservative.”

  20. Will Says:

    What are your thoughts on a flat tax? How about privatizing social security? I don’t think creating a more competative environment for schools is a bad idea. Do you? By the way are you sure your not a Liberatian? Man these guys are the Liberal’s best friend.

  21. John Konop Says:

    I support a hybrid between the flat tax and fair tax. This would help create jobs, and stop lobbying for corporate welfare. You should read a book by Joe scarborough former Republican Congressman called “Rome is Burning”

    As far as Social Security I would let people over contribute tax free. I would than let Americans buy down foreign debt and earn interest with that money until we balanced the budget and started paying down our debt.

    This would force Americans to think twice about Congressman who bring home pork. After we got debt under control them we could then let people invest in diverse investment accounts.BTW this would lower interest rates and fuel the economy.

    As far Schools unless we get rid of No Child Left Behind schools will keep going down. We need to have a two tier system for college bound kids and Vocational kids. As gar as Charter schools, they could play a big roll teaming up with business especially for vocational and high tec.

    The father of the conservative movement was an economic libertarian Barry Goldwater. As far as social issues, I do not favor federal government making rules for the State. I do not think Georgia should make social laws for Massachusetts and the other way around. If you think you can win without Goldwater Republicans in a general election good luck.


    That is why Blue Dog Democrats are picking up steam. The big question is will they have any voice in the Democrat party? Why do you think George Allan was more conservative than Webb?

    Spending NO

    Immigration NO

    Trade NO

    Education NO

    The above is why the GOP is lost. If you are not honest you cannot fix a problem. Listen to my radio show, this is what people are saying.

  22. Will Says:

    So are you a libertarian? I mean if you are I’m not criticizing, just saying that you might as well come out say your democrat. You should have heard the debates here in my state during senate 2006. It was republican verses democrat/libertarian. I am amazed the republicans got away with any wins. You can’t possibly believe in legalizing drugs can you?

  23. John Konop Says:


    I am a businessman who supports free market Adam Smith economic principals. The concept of less government and local control I agree with. That is a libertarian conservative economic principal.

    As far as social issues I tend to debate with Libertarian on my website about issue like drugs and limits on free speech. A good example is a story I put on blog about a kid getting suspending for promoting drugs in school. As a parent a have no tolerance for that behavior and this is where split with my libertarian friends libertarians.


    Yet I also split with my Christian Coalition friends on pro-life with no exceptions. I was told I am told I am not pro-life because I will not force a woman to have a baby due to rape, incest…….

    BTW it is good Romney is cracking down on immigration but without trade reform it is an empty promise. If Romney only is for enforcing immigration and not trade reform., he will end up like Hayworth

  24. John Konop Says:

    BTW Will I will let you post why vote for Romney on my site. I would also interview you are him on my show.

  25. Will Says:

    I’d be happy to give my reasoning on your site (where?).

    I have no connection to Mitt Romney except that if he runs, I will support him for the above reasons and others.
    You’ll have to contact his folks.

    Given a chance I believe he’d win you over. Or at least ease your mind about another big government, big spender, elitist with his eyes on the presidency.

  26. John Konop Says:



    I will post it!

Today's Deep Thought

Marta said I don't seem to like to read fiction very much. 'I guess you're not an `afictionado',' she said. Poor Marta. For all her reading, she doesn't even know the right word.


February 2025