Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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U.S. Senate Votes 49 to 48 to Defeat Federal Marriage Amendment (aka “Bush’s Plan Blows-Up In His Face”)

by Bill Simon

Rumors have it that earlier today, the U.S. Senate voted 49 to 48 against The Federal Marriage Amendment (aka “President Bush and the GOP’s Latest Desperate Attempt At Trying To Distract America And Their Base From The non-Conservative Job They’ve Done As Republicans”)

Check your local listings for a re-hash of the incessant “You’re a Liberal!” vocal expulsions soon to be expressed by Bush, Hannity, Cheney, and anyone else who does not have a freaking clue in their minds that the MAJORITY of America can see right through their bull-manure on this attempt to re-direct our attention away from the crappy job they have done as leaders of this country.

I have voted Republican ever since Ronald Reagan ran for President, and as a Republican, I am sickened by the attempts by the Bush Administration and Republican-run Congress to continue to dodge their responsibilities to the American people AND the Republican principles this party was founded upon.

I cannot think of any Member of Congress, House or Senate, who could be looked upon as a true follower of President Reagan. These neo-Socialists masking themselves as “Republicans” need to be ALL tossed-out this year. Tom DeLay offically left yesterday…all of these idiots should be out by this November at the very latest.

7 Responses to “U.S. Senate Votes 49 to 48 to Defeat Federal Marriage Amendment (aka “Bush’s Plan Blows-Up In His Face”)”

  1. LINDA Says:

    Dear Bill,

    I have a quote from President Reagan for you:

    Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged. Ronald Reagan

  2. LINDA Says:

    You see what is important about the vote is that nearly half of the Senators stood up for what the Lord has commanded, which is that marriage is between a man and a woman. Christians know that Lucifer is fighting hard to destroy the Christian foundation of our United States, but the devil will lose in the end.

  3. LINDA Says:


    The link above from Project Vote Smart hopefully will work. A synopsis of how our Republicans voted: Four Republicans voted No: Olympia Snow, Susan Collins (both of Maine), John McCain (RINO-AZ), and Arlen Specter (PA). Chuckel Hagel did not vote (cowardly RINO).

    The Christian Democrat outraged that Republicans think that they are the only ones that have values voted No!

    These are the Senators that need to go along with the liberal Democrats.

  4. LINDA Says:

    Oh, I forgot to fill in the name of the Christian Democrat that is outraged that Republicans run on Christian values: Harry Reid.

  5. LINDA Says:

    The link above does work for the Marriage Amendment vote, and after reviewing again, I see that there are more Republicans that voted NO. These folks need to be voted out of office, too! They are not representing their constituents, as they are only worried about appeasing the minority.

  6. LINDA Says:

    Bravo to Robert Byrd of West Virginia, a God fearing Democrat who voted for the Marriage Amendment!

  7. LINDA Says:

    You can see the true colors of how our U.S. Congress members vote on issues, when you take a look at political contributions from AIPAC.

Today's Deep Thought

If you go through a lot of hammers each month, I don't think it necessarily means you're a hard worker. It may just mean that you have a lot to learn about proper hammer maintenance.


December 2024