Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Mr. President, You’re Doing A Heckuva Job!

by Bill Simon

For the 2nd time this week, I was actually stunned to hear some political news.

The first time, it was on Monday when I heard that Shirley Franklin/John Lewis race-baiting bullshit of a radio commercial.

This 2nd time was to hear Bush deciding that Rumsfeld had to go. Whaaaaaa???

Folks, just in case you are wondering, I have known since early 2004 that Bush is a f***ing MORON, and if you disagreed with me on that, that’s fine. But, NOTHING could prove my point better than the about-face decision of Bush to shove Rumsfeld out the door today.

In multiple speeches up until today, Bush declared he had 100% confidence in Donald Rumsfeld and that Rummy was going to be with him until the end of his presidency.

Now, upon seeing the results of this year’s House races, he decides to go with “the people have sent me a message.” What a dumbass.

Seriously, if you are SO clueless that you have to wait until you get a brick thrown in your face that there is something seriously wrong with one of your team, either you’re not very competent, or your team of advisors is not very competent, OR BOTH. And, in this case, it is BOTH who are completely incompetent up and down the line.

Yes, Mr. President. If you earn a C-average from Yale, you too can grow-up to be the President of The United States. You can also grow-up to be wooden puppet with other people taking turns throwing their voices and thoughts into you while controlling your mouth opening and shutting with a series of strings.

And that is what we have as President of The United States.
Had Bush grown a set of testicles a month or two ago, and fired Rummy like he fired “Brownie” over the Katrina debacle, he might not have caused the loss of the House by as great a margin AND, we might still have control of the U.S. Senate.

But, this is what comes when you combine unmitigated arrogance with a bunch of incompetent buffoons.

Thank you, Mr. President. And, Thank you to the Spaghetti-Spined Republicans who have done nothing but rubber-stamp 95% of Bush’s policies AND defend his no-plan for victory policies in either Afghanistan or Iraq. Good going, guys. You have absolutely no one else to blame but yourselves.

6 Responses to “Mr. President, You’re Doing A Heckuva Job!”

  1. caroline Says:

    Bill Simon,
    Better watch out. You are starting to sound like us moderates and liberals! LOL!

    Anyhow, do you think Cheney will last? I’m wondering if he won’t get the boot soon because of the the Scooter Libby trial.

  2. Bill Simon Says:


    I strive to be an independent thinker within the Republican Party. “Sounding like” some other group does not mean I am one of them. 🙂

    But, to your question, Cheney doesn’t operate at the “will” or “choice” of the President. He was elected. So, he will remain.

    I don’t know of anyone else Bush can safely jettison without resigning himself.

  3. Grayson Says:

    The military has a term for just what you describe: “Incestuous Amplification.”

  4. Bill Simon Says:

    THAT’S a great term, Spacey!

  5. Grayson Says:

    That came from a terrific promo video for John Stauber’s new book, The Best War Ever. You can view that here:


  6. Mad Dog Says:


    For the Bush Curse to work, you have to call someone by a nickname and then say … “you’re doing heck of a job!”

    Bush dumped Rumsfeld to take control of the news cycle as much as anything else.

    It turned the election news into old business and put the President back into control of the news cycle.

Today's Deep Thought

I scrambled to the top of the precipice where Nick was waiting. 'That was fun,' I said. 'You bet it was,' said Nick. 'Let's climb higher.' 'No,' I said. 'I think we should be heading back now.' 'We have time,' Nick insisted. I said we didn't, and Nick said we did. We argued back and forth like that for about 20 minutes, and then finally decided to head back. I didn't say it was an interesting story.


July 2024