Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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HB 1285: A Bill Even True Deer Hunters Should Object To

by Bill Simon

Last week, Rep. Jay Roberts dropped HB 1285, a bill designed to make it legal to bait deer with food in places that deer might not normally go, and shoot them as long as the baiter is at least 200 yards away.

Wow…that kinda reminds me of noodling, except the fish have somewhat of a sporting chance in the natural habitat of the water.

Not so with some goober being able to set-up a bait stand and entice deer to come into areas that are usually barren of such food for the sheer purpose of him/her being able to more easily kill the deer. Yeah…that’s sporting alright.

And, who’s going to pace-off the 200 yards to make sure the “hunter” (cough!-cough!) plays fair within the law?

Hey, here’s a great idea for Rep. Roberts: Let’s put a hooker in his office and see if she cannot entice him to put on her panties for a lap dance right then and there.

53 Responses to “HB 1285: A Bill Even True Deer Hunters Should Object To”

  1. Terry Says:


    Thanks for the clairification.

    I have been down that same road before with helping someone get elected and them they do an about face. So I understand where you are coming from.

  2. Jeff Says:

    FYI, I have been told that the author of HB 1285, realizing that his bill was about to meet over-whelming defeat on the floor, has withdrawn his bill!

    I sure do hope the House Leadership will take this in the same light they would take it had it not been withdrawn. The baiting issue has been brought up in the legislature year after year and this should settle the situation once and for all.

    I’ve been told the head count was in the neighborhood of 131-50.

    Now we have SB 612 to deal with! This one is really more amazing than HB 1285! If passed it would reduce the fine for hunting any animal over bait to the paultry sum of $25!

    Sportsmen have asked the legislature time and again to pass bills that would significantly increase the penalties for poachers and now they try to basically decriminalize poaching by reducing the fine to a joke!

    These are Republicans? The Liberitarian Party is looking more and more inviting.

  3. Keri Says:

    I have just found this blog after asking jeeves about the laws in Georgia on baiting deer, as I really love deer. I have run these type people from trespassing on my acreage and the deer literally hide in my yard during hunting season. I am thoroughly disgusted after reading these blogs! From those I have observed from the 2% group of so-called “hunters” in the west Georgia area are some of the most ignorant beings I’ve ever seen. We are talking about frenzied type behavior over just killing and I have even observed the thrill of “their” power they have over this animal. They are not thrilled to have good meat at all, it’s not about that-it’s about power over “something”. I came from family in the north who occassionally hunted; but, I never observed power mongering, bloodthirty, torture enjoying – ever. The group I have observed in W. Ga. area are illiterate, drinking “buddies” and make me sick to my stomach with their
    stupidity and lack of interest to improve their pathetic lives in anyway.

Today's Deep Thought

I scrambled to the top of the precipice where Nick was waiting. 'That was fun,' I said. 'You bet it was,' said Nick. 'Let's climb higher.' 'No,' I said. 'I think we should be heading back now.' 'We have time,' Nick insisted. I said we didn't, and Nick said we did. We argued back and forth like that for about 20 minutes, and then finally decided to head back. I didn't say it was an interesting story.


July 2024