Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Maverick’s Re-Engaging

by Bill Simon

Useful Idiot – Meaning & Origin

“The phrase useful idiot designates a naive or credulous person who can be manipulated or exploited to advance a cause or political agenda.”

Source: https://wordhistories.net/2021/03/26/useful-idiot/


At one time, Garland Favorito and I were good friends in the political spectrum. We worked together well on several political issues in the past, both of us having a mutual dislike of things like no-knock warrants, along with the railroading of a Lowndes County election worker named Laura Gallegos in 2008, and the railroading of videographer Nydia Tisdale by various Dawson County crooks in 2014.

All that to say, the time has come to break that relationship up as we are now at war on the political battlefield of Georgia.

And, why are we at war? Because…he clearly has an agenda contrary to what a lot of people believe. And I have a political theory as to why he is doing what he is doing.  In support of that theory, I have a multitude of concrete facts that cannot be refuted.

A Political Theory

I started forming this theory shortly after I heard Garland admit on one of the recent podcasts about himself that “I’m not a Republican; I’ve never been a Republican.”

I personally found that surprising, as (silly-me) I assumed he was a Republican all those many years I had known him.

But, sure enough, upon research, I learned thru a lawsuit he and Ricardo Davis (both being the co-founders of Voter GA) were a party to in 2006, that both of them were members of the Constitution Party of Georgia. (This is the lawsuit, which, aside from the disclosure of the political party of Favorito and Davis, also contains some things I’ll use in the future.)

Now, if you are a true Republican (i.e., a person who wants people elected/appointed who believe in the majority of the principles of the Republican party), you should wonder why it is that Garland Favorito is so gung-ho on bringing back hand-marked and hand-tabulated ballots to this state…the form of voting in Georgia that allowed Democrat-control for so long here?

From this line of thinking, I developed my theory, and the theory is that there are really just two political parties in this state:

Party 1: The Republican Party, and
Party 2: The Anti-Republican Party, which consists of every other political party AND even some self-proclaimed “Republican” entities who are all allied against the Republican Party in Georgia… and would dance with glee if the Dems took over control up and down this state.

The folks in the Anti-Republican Party are:

The Democrat Party +
The Libertarian Party +
The Constitution Party +
The GRA Cult (yeah, you folks) +
The Communist Party +
The Socialist Party +
The Green Party, etc.

While I’m not sure of how much these folks coordinate things, I am fairly certain that in the manner that Garland has argued with me in email, along with kicking me out of VoterGA (NO dissent allowed in VoterGA, apparently), and seeing his responses to some posts about Election 2020 evidence, he is (or will be) receiving some kind of benefit from the Leftists.

He is fine with that because the Constitution Party of Georgia has no one at any position, elected or appointed.  In fact, one wonders if they have any party organization at all in Georgia (conventions, party rules, etc.), or are just Garland and Ricardo Davis the only Georgia members?

So, if you are in the position of not having any real presence in a state, why not seek to destroy the party in power?

And, for the record, the Plaintiffs in the oft-quoted lawsuit, Curling v. Raffensperger, include Ricardo Davis, co-founder of Voter GA.

For those of you who have expressed some belief that “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Republican and the Democrat Parties…,” let me ask you:

  • Are Republicans pushing for the elimination of gas-fired stoves?
  • Are Republicans pushing for Diversity, Inclusion & Equity policies everywhere?
  • Are Republicans pushing for climate change crap?
  • Are Republicans pushing for ESG investment policies?
  • Are Republicans pushing for biological men to be allowed to play in women-only sports?
  • Are Republicans pushing to take away your 2nd Amendment rights in any way they can?
  • Are Republicans pushing for open borders?


If you witness any Republican making such a claim, you should know that either that person is either a true idiot, or they are a member of some subversive party that is intent upon demoralizing and corrupting you into thinking such nonsense.

So, back to Voter GA, and Garland Favorito, the Dems are 100% in favor of him pushing for hand-marked paper ballots across the board, since, going back to at least the Year 2019, the Dems, via the Stacey Abrams’ organization called Fair(sic) Fight Action, have been publicly pushing for hand marked ballots.

If you do not know who Fair(sic) Fight is, they are akin to People For The American Way (another organization that is so named to sound innocuous, but is, in fact, quite the Commie-Leftist type of organization).

For the 35 or so various Georgia county GOP organizations listening to and following Garland like lemmings, you’re following the wrong guy (unless you want to make an official switch to the Constitution Party, which you should do if you continue entertaining VoterGA and Garland Favorito’s bullsht).

Whether financial support from Leftist-interests will be disclosed on their annual Form 990 or whether it is under the table, VoterGA’s focus for hand-marked and hand-tabulated ballots point to, in my opinion, his ultimate goal of taking down the Republican Party’s dominance in Georgia.

Because that is what will happen if we go to hand-marked, hand-tabulation of hand-marked paper ballots…and the Dems will never go back to machines.

And now, a few eye-opening facts in support of my theory…


There are a lot of terms and proper names I will be bringing into the discussion in this issue and future ones, but first I want to start off with a simple graphic that demonstrates that Trump won all votes cast using the Dominion BMD Voting machines at the polls:

The Numbers

This graphic is straight from the Election Night Reporting website the Ga SOS uses to aggregate votes from all counties.If you want to double-check my numbers, you can quickly get to this page and then scroll down to find the two tabs presented, and choose “Vote Types,” which breaks down the totals for any candidate into how the votes were cast.Here are those numbers below, with an indication of “BMD” (which stands for Ballot Marking Device; that is, the in-person Dominion electronic voting method) for that method of voting, and “HMPB” (to designate the Hand-Marked Paper Absentee & Provisional Ballots):

Trump Votes
(BMD) Election Day Votes: 587,697
(BMD) Advanced Voting Votes: 1,419,161Total Trump BMD Votes: 2,006,858(HMPB) Absentee by Mail Votes: 451,157
(HMPB) Provisional Votes: 3,822Total Trump HMPB Votes: 454,979

Biden Votes
(BMD) Election Day Votes: 367,205
(BMD) Advanced Voting Votes: 1,250,509

Total Biden BMD Votes: 1,617,714

(HMPB) Absentee by Mail Votes: 849,729
(HMPB) Provisional Votes: 7,064

Total Biden HMPB Votes: 856,793

SO, as you can see above, Trump WON the in-person BMD Dominion machine votes, by a margin of +389,144 votes.

He lost, by a wide enough margin, on the Hand-Marked Paper Ballots (Absentee and Provisional), to lose Georgia.

So, contrary to the lying claims by the various people associated with VoterGA, Trump did NOT lose Georgia due to the electronic voting machine method.

He lost via the hand marked paper ballots that VoterGA is now pushing the State to 100% switch to using, along with human hand tabulation of the various races on each ballot.

For those of you unfamiliar with Fulton County (and other Democrat-run counties), Fulton County has far more Democrat voters than Republican voters, and, has been that way for at least 35 years of which I am aware.

Don’t believe me? Wanna see proof? Here ya go:

Above is a graphic from the vote tabulation on the Georgia SOS site from the 2012 November General Election for President in Fulton County. Democrats then outnumbered Republican votes by almost 2 to 1.

And, though Trump won Georgia in the 2016 General Election, he did not win Fulton County in that election, as this image shows:

And, while I am in the groove of posting election results, let’s visit Coffee County, Georgia, where some poor former county GOP chair got suckered into helping others break into the county Elections Office to seek to validate a Trump Campaign claim that votes were programmed to “flip” from Trump to Biden. (This is a link to the best summarized version of the story I could readily find.)

But, this is the sickening part of that entire story: As the graphic below shows, Trump WON that county by a margin of 70% to 30%Trump getting 10,578 and Biden getting 4,511 votes:

WHY would you seek to discover “votes flipping” in a county where your candidate WON the majority of the votes???

I would say “How stupid can you get?” but, then I see where Sidney Powell appeared to get indicted for her involvement in the Coffee County breach, and she can, for all I care, go to prison and get her law license stripped from her.

Why do I say that? Because she, along with Lin Wood, called for Republican voters to “stay home”  for the January 5th, 2021 U.S. Senate Run-off election in protest of the Trump loss.

Great job there, Sidney! Thanks for helping turn the Senate into the hands of the Democrats. Helluva job!

And, then there is the Spalding County stupidity in the past two months (unrelated to the Fulton County indictments), where there was a series of attempts by pro-hand marking, hand-tabulation Republican activists to get Spalding to change their voting from the Dominion BMDs to paper ballots.

They have now decided to stick with the BMDs, but, before they certify elections, they will also spend the time to hand-tabulate elections.

Again, I ask, why would you be concerned with that when, sure enough, Spalding County came in BIGLY for Trump (nearly 60% to 40%) by way of using those eeevil Dominion BMD machines:

Do note in the above Spalding County results that Trump won on the BMD machines in a big way. For Early Voting and Election Day Voting, the BMD votes totaled 14,035, and for Paper Ballots (Absentee & Provisional) Ballots, Trump got 4,022 votes, for a grand total of 18,507.

Biden got 7,154 votes via the BMDs, and 4,630 via paper ballots, grand total of 11,784.

So, WTF?

Though I have much more to present in future editions (where I will be addressing all the stuff regarding concepts like the Obama-Appointed Communist Federal Judge named Amy Totenberg, the hallowed “Halderman Report,” State Farm Arena, suitcases of ballots, someone with the last name of ‘Freeman’, Special Sessions, QR-Codes, election irregularities, hand-marked ballots, hand-tabulated ballots, various Dog and Pony Shows by morons, the GRA Cult, and more), I am going to leave you with this question to ponder on your own:

WHY would we switch to the method of casting votes that I prove in the foregoing discussion is the precise reason why Trump lost (i.e., hand-marked paper ballots) in the November 2020 election?

And, keeping in mind the counties with the highest number of Democrat voters (Dekalb, Fulton, Gwinnett, Cobb, Athens-Clarke County, Macon-Bibb, Chatham County, etc.) all have their county boards of elections controlled by Democrats, why would anyone who is supposedly a conservative or a Republican, seek to hand over greater control over interpreting hand-marked ballots to Democrat-controlled Boards of Elections (BOEs)?

If you still follow Garland Favorito, Ricardo Davis, and Voter GA after I present to you undeniable proof that the electronic Dominion BMDs are not the reason Trump lost Georgia, then, congratulate yourself on being, trulya useful idiot for the Anti-Republican Party, completely incapable of thinking for yourself.

The Ga GOP, and all auxiliaries, should CEASE allowing Constitution Party Member Garland Favorito (and any other non-Republican) to be granted an audience or a platform to spread their lies about the voting machines “stealing” votes…as Trump DECISIVELY WON THE MACHINE VOTE!!!

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PV Publication Disclosure

The Political Vine was established on July 24, 2000 by Georgia Republican activist Bill Simon. All material contained herein (unless otherwise noted) is written by a commonsense political thinker whose agenda is to deliver researched facts, analysis, information, humor, and opinions in a satirical/sarcastic environment that is far different from any other news source you will come across.

Disclosure: For the past 20 years, Bill has operated his own business called ID Builders, Inc.  which caters to both businesses and political organizations by supplying them with printed promotional products, printing services and political strategy services.

From helping defeat T-SPLOSTs (Metro-Atlanta 2012 vote), MARTA expansion referendums (Gwinnett County in both 2019 and 2020), and city incorporation efforts (City of East Cobb in May 2022), to assisting counties renew their SPLOSTS (Cook County, GA in November 2022), Bill has helped both political and businesses of all sizes and levels with creativity and knowledgeable expertise.

Recent political services added: Peer-to-Peer Texting in all forms. For a free consultation on your campaign, click the image-link below, and then choose “Get A Quote.”

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Today's Deep Thought

I scrambled to the top of the precipice where Nick was waiting. 'That was fun,' I said. 'You bet it was,' said Nick. 'Let's climb higher.' 'No,' I said. 'I think we should be heading back now.' 'We have time,' Nick insisted. I said we didn't, and Nick said we did. We argued back and forth like that for about 20 minutes, and then finally decided to head back. I didn't say it was an interesting story.


July 2024