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A Good Letter Sent To The NAACP

by PV

[PV Note: We are not the author of this letter…but, it is quite appropriate and fitting. The NAACP are nothing but a bunch of clueless idiots, and “Mike” was being way too gentle.]

Saturday, August 18, 2007
An Open Letter To The Atlanta Chapter of the NAACP

RE: Dog Fighting & Michael Vick

Dear Dr. R. L. White
Head of the Atlanta Chapter of the NAACP

My name is Mike. I am 27, and I am neither a member of your organization nor a resident of Atlanta. Normally I wouldn’t bother you, but then I came across this article, and it compelled me to write. Since I am white, I am going to tread carefully, so as not to offend your gentle sensibilities. But, Dr. White, you are a dumb ass.

Speaking for white people everywhere, let me fill you in on something. This case was not a race issue. It was about killing dogs. And if there is one thing people don’t stand for, regardless of race, it’s killing dogs.

You compared it to deer hunting. Again, Dr. White, you are a dumb ass. When was the last time a deer greeted you at the door when you got home from work? Or curled up next to you and gently nuzzled in to take a nap? Dogs are pets, you moron. They aren’t meant to be killed for sport. The failure to make this distinction only makes you look stupider.

Sorry, I lost my temper there.

Here’s the thing, Dr. White. The reason people were outraged by this was because he killed dogs. If Ben Roethlisberger or Brett Favre had done it, the reaction would have been the same, I guarantee you. The difference is, had Ben Roethlisberger or Brett Favre done this, you wouldn’t see white supporters rallying behind them, proclaiming he was innocent in the face of mountains of damning evidence, supporting him regardless of the outcome.

Let me let you in on a secret about white people; when one of our own makes us look bad, we condemn him and disown them. I suggest you adopt a similar policy. If your group’s mission is truly to advance “colored” people (your word, not mine) you’d disassociate from the idiots in your race. It can’t go wrong, trust me.

Anyway, Dr. White, I don’t want this to come off as racist, because it isn’t. Michael Vick is a despicable person who happens to be black. The sooner you realize that, the less of a dumb ass you’ll look like.



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Marta said I don't seem to like to read fiction very much. 'I guess you're not an `afictionado',' she said. Poor Marta. For all her reading, she doesn't even know the right word.


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