A Mystery To Tease You With…
by Bill Simon
Rumors have it that an ethics complaint has been filed with the State Ethics Commission alleging several violations of state ethics laws by a statewide candidate…as well as, possibly, a federal law.
Who’s the candidate, you ask? Well, to just name-drop would spoil my surprise, wouldn’t it? Besides, aren’t you tired of being hand-fed every bit of news in the world?
I’m going to give you hints over a period of a week or so (as my free time permits). The hints are in the form of Exhibits from the complaint itself.
This method is designed to do several things: 1) pique your interest to stay-tuned…2) to make you curious enough to read the exhibits and come-up with your own conclusions on what the complaint/allegations may involve (and post your analysis on my blog)…and, 3) to put the lawyers who will likely be hired to defend this complaint on an anticipatory edge (heh…heh…heh)
Once all of the Exhibits are posted, the Complaint itself will be posted that ties all of the exhibits together and everyone will then have the complete picture to view and analyze.
Ready? Set…Read the Exhibits! (click the link, then click each of the Exhibits to read/download. You must have Adobe Reader to view the exhibits)
May 14th, 2006 at 1:32 pm
Of course its Ralph Reed- Robert Randolph (Exhibit B) is the president of the direct marketing subsidary at Century Strategies- Reeds Consulting Firm.
May 14th, 2006 at 1:49 pm
Yes, but what does a conviction of Charles Walker have to do with Ralph?
May 14th, 2006 at 1:59 pm
Ralph has broken the same federal laws Charles Walker did– “knowingly devise and participate in a scheme and artifice to defraud and for obtaining money by means of false and fraudulent pretenses”
My guess is the Walker Connection accounts to him taking Campaign Money and spending it on personal items/needs like Charles Walker when he put money in a re-election bank account all the while converting the funds for personal use.
May 14th, 2006 at 2:50 pm
[…] The Political Vine has the scoop on an ethics complaint being filed against Ralph Reed. It appears Ralph used a company called “American Marketing†for bumper stickers, etc. The company allegedly shares the same address of Robert Randolph and is also a company allegedly affiliated with Century Strategies, Ralph’s company. […]
May 15th, 2006 at 8:29 am
A complaint is being filed against Cagle as well this week. In fact the complaint form will be mailed tomorrow to the State Ethics Commission. He has been given a chance to modify his disclosure form and has not.
Reed has done nothing wrong or illegal.
May 19th, 2006 at 3:29 pm
Great response, Howard. “So what, Cagle’s got a complaint too.”
I have the feeling our pals at the Justice Department aren’t done with Ralph yet. Don’t forget, Abramhoff isn’t in jail yet because he’s turning evidence for DOJ. This thing will get worse before it goes away.
I don’t like Cagle all that much either, but he’s better than Ralph, and I wouldn’t vote for a democrat unless it was Zell Miller