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Dang! She’s A Hottie! I Wonder If She’s Interested In Older Men Though…?

by Bill Simon

Debra Lafave, 25, who became a tabloid sensation after her arrest in 2004, also acknowledges that her victim might “have a hard time trusting women one day. I’m sure he has to be living with the guilt of – quote, unquote – ratting me out,” according to transcripts of the interview with Matt Lauer released by NBC Tuesday. The interview was to air Wednesday on the “Today” show and “Dateline NBC.”

Lafave is serving three years of house arrest and seven years of probation after pleading guilty to having sex with the boy in a classroom and her home in June 2004. Her plea in November negated the need for a trial during which the victim would have been called to testify.

Lafave has apologized and said bipolar disorder contributed to her state of mind at the time.

9 Responses to “Dang! She’s A Hottie! I Wonder If She’s Interested In Older Men Though…?”

  1. Josh Says:

    I bet you’d like to be under house arrest in her house..

  2. Bill Simon Says:

    Oh, yeah! Wonder if she has an e-mail address…?

  3. Kevin Bailey Says:

    Bill Simon,
    I am amazed it took you that long to see her picture. If you think she looks hot in those you should see the one with her tat. I wonder if her husband is still married to her.

  4. Kevin Bailey Says:

    The sad thing is the crime she did was horrific but people are amazed at her looks and look past what she really did.

  5. David Says:

    Lighten up folks…
    All of the people that say the boy was a victim are nuts! Sheeeeeeeeeesh! Hell, I’m sure he was bragging all over the place for getting her inm the sack!! Hell, most of the men who post here would love to be with someone as hot as Debra…

    The only pronlem the boy is gonna have is the fact that all of the other girls he’ll ever be with will not be nearly as hot a the teacher!! Now, that is truly a cause for depression…

  6. Bill Simon Says:

    Actually, I saw a bit of the interview she had with Matt Lauer last night.

    She was raped when she was 12…and she doesn’t appear to have matured much since that traumatic experience.

    So, her looks aside, I think she is quite the depressed and unhappy person who isn’t mentally mature enough to match her physical age.

  7. rugby_fan Says:

    I think the kid deserves to be punished.

    Who manages to sleep with the teacher and then alerts the authorities?

    Heck, what type of adolescent male manages to get with a very attractive woman and then notifies authorities?

  8. Mike (Mad Dog) Parker Says:


    Ya think he bragged a little or a lot … and got pinched?

    Or, do you think she turned a bi-polar corner and turned him down?

  9. Mike (Mad Dog) Parker Says:


    Can I play, too?

Today's Deep Thought

I scrambled to the top of the precipice where Nick was waiting. 'That was fun,' I said. 'You bet it was,' said Nick. 'Let's climb higher.' 'No,' I said. 'I think we should be heading back now.' 'We have time,' Nick insisted. I said we didn't, and Nick said we did. We argued back and forth like that for about 20 minutes, and then finally decided to head back. I didn't say it was an interesting story.


July 2024