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Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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But, What Will Randy Evans Do If Denny Resigns?

by Bill Simon

The conservative newspaper in D.C., The Washington Times, is now calling on Speaker Hastert to resign from his position because he now acknowledges that he knew, at minimum, about the e-mails between Foley and a teen Page in late 2005. (Hat Tip to Bull Moose over at Peach Pundit for the story link.)

I think Tom DeLay should be called-in to testify as well. That little putz knows ALL of the secrets about the folks in the GOP caucus (thus the reason why he was able to “hammer” bills and people so well), and you can bet he probably knew all about Foley’s predilection and passed on his knowledge to his replacement, John Boehner.

I wonder who else in the House leadership knew anything about this stuff on Foley? Wonder what Deputy Whip Tom Price knew, and when did he know it?

26 Responses to “But, What Will Randy Evans Do If Denny Resigns?”

  1. caroline Says:

    I wondered if Tom Price knew anything about this. I wonder if the press will ask him? Nah. No one will ask him and he will be reelected.

  2. Nick Says:

    If someone sent Dr. Price an e-mail and asked him. Would he even reply?

    I think this is the end for the national GOP’s grip on power!

  3. John Konop Says:


    For over 5 years members of Congress knew that interns under 18 were being sexually harassed by Congressman Foley. One kid was so upset by Congressman Foley s e-mails he said this is “freaking me out” and he described Foley as “sick” 13 times in the same E-mail about him.


    While Congress tells us they “took immediate action to investigate the matter.” In fact according to ABC news” It turns out Foley’s obsession with 16- and 17-year-old male pages has been known to Republicans on Capitol Hill for at least five years”. In the real world you call the police or FBI and have them investigate immediately. You also warn the parents about a sexual predator, who could be harassing your child.


    Instead of letting the law enforcement handle this criminal manner Congress “ordered
    Foley to cease all contact with this former House page to avoid even the appearance of impropriety” Instead of warning parents about a sexual predator ( Foley) ,Congress sent this warning to some of the 16 and 17 year old interns , “Don’t get too wrapped up in him being too nice to you”, “He’s a nice guy, but he’s a little bid odd”. If the reckless disregard happen at a High School we all know the parents would of demanded removal of anyone evolved.


    It is clear that both parties are only serving and defending their re-election campaigns. It is time for us to make Congress act like adults. Any Congressman who had knowledge about this incident and did not tell law enforcement and warn parents of interns should resign. The law enforcement should prosecute any Congressman to the fullest extent of the law evolved directly in the violations or cover up. Let your local Congressman know we want them to demand anyone evolved to resign bottom line or do vote for them!!!!!!!

  4. caroline Says:

    Denny Hastert says he won’t resign.

  5. John Konop Says:


    Any Congressman who does not support all envovled to resign should not get anyones vote.

  6. John Konop Says:

    BTW, if you think I am wrong about guys like Foley acting on kids , the story just broke he did. The sad part this story usual ends with police finding more victums.


  7. caroline Says:

    John Konop,
    Maybe you should ask Tom Price for a statement. As far as I know, he hasn’t said a thing.

  8. John Konop Says:


    Your a voter you should call and ask !!!

  9. bj Says:

    It gets worse. According to the most recent story in CNN Foley not only signed into Alky Rehab, he’s also saying he was molested by a clergyman when he was a teen. He also says he isn’t a pedophile.

    CNN Report

    And if you wanna know how I feel about it, bitchslappin is way too good for these guys.

  10. Josh Says:

    He can always fall back on the elections board….

  11. John Konop Says:

    As I said child predators almost always have a history of going after multiple victims.

    Read this form the Washington Post.

    In 1995, male House pages were warned to steer clear of a freshman Republican from Florida, who was already learning the names of the teenagers, dashing off notes, letters and e-mails to them, and asking them to join him for ice cream, according to a former page.
    Mark Beck-Heyman, now a graduate student in clinical psychology at George Washington University, and more than a dozen other former House pages said in interviews and via e-mail that Rep. Mark Foley was known to be extraordinarily friendly in a way that made some of them uncomfortable

    Beck-Heyman, who was a Republican page and is now a Democrat, said the attention was “weird,” and he provided a handwritten letter that Foley sent him after the page left Washington to return home to California. The note suggested that they get together during the Republican National Convention in San Diego in 1996.


  12. bill Says:

    I would personally have no problem voting for an openly gay conservative under the right circumstances. And can have respect for liberal members like Barney Frank.

    But closet gays in power in the Republican party posing as cultural conservatives are clearly leading a double life. And these are after all public figures. I would roundly applaud the gay community or anyone else who “outed” anyone in this select category. Time for Republicans to get out the sledgehammer. We can’t afford to be hippocrites on this.

  13. bj Says:

    What pisses me off the most is that the SPIN meisters are trying to paint this as “more acceptable” because the underage kids weren’t female. Excuse me? Illegal is illegal. Breach of trust and position is the same no matter which gender he chose to mentally molest online.

    I’m also going to point something out to all of you that maybe you haven’t thought about. The kids in the House Page program are chosen because they’re the best and the brightest. The Spin Meisters keep saying the timing means the Dems knew and held back on leaking it. I personally think that the kids are the ones who chose the time to come out with the story to wreak maximum damage on their abuser and on the people who turned a blind eye to their pain. Do I have proof? No. But it FEELS right. Anyone who has been abused or knows well someone who has can relate.

    I’m sure we’ll be hearing a lot more on this.

  14. John Konop Says:


    How about the latest, kill the page program because adult Congressman cannot control themselfs.

  15. bill Says:

    Hastert said killing the page program would put the House in dissaray. Let’s seeee. Who would want to do this?
    (Church Lady speaking)
    Perhaps supporters of the “unitary executive” still angry at the house for standing up against amnesty? Mabe…Satan???
    I like The House best of all. It’s the closest thing to the people. Leave it alone. Young adults are going to encounter the same type of thing in the real world anyway.

  16. bj Says:

    They’re talking about killing the Page program over this? What a bunch of boneheads!

    Personally I’d rather they just mandate castration for any Congressman who steps over that particular line. But that’s just me . . . 🙂

  17. caroline Says:

    The person who leaked to the press is a Republcan.

  18. Citizen Journalism OUTED Foley Says:

    […] Caroline just posted a comment on the Political Vine Site which links to a story by Andrew Bolton on The Hill. The Bolton article details exactly how the Foley scandal was broken to the press, and debunks much of the SPIN Republicans are trying to put into play to defuse this Republican Debacle. […]

  19. Josh Says:

    Did you see the press release on Randy today?

  20. caroline Says:

    In an 11 alive interview Tom Price blamed everybody else for the Hastert mess. He didn’t state whether he would support Hastert or not. I tried calling the number on his website and apparently they aren’t answering the phone as you immediate get voice mail. Anybody else have this happen to them?

  21. John Konop Says:

    This was an interesting article by Dick Morris. Who BTW is an expert on sex scandels( Clinton and Dick).

    Foley scandal is the nail in the GOP coffin


    In a curious way, the former Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.) scandal will be to the Republican congressional leadership what the Monica Lewinsky imbroglio was to the Clinton presidency.

    After all the boring scandals — Whitewater, Hillary’s investments, Paula Jones, Travelgate, the FBI files, the Rose Law Firm’s billing records — the Lewinsky scandal seared into everyone’s consciousness. Those who failed to read the many volumes of Whitewater documents published by The Wall Street Journal or who despaired of following the paper trail that led to the Travel Office firings could easily grasp the simple facts of Clinton’s dalliance with Monica. Nothing complicated. Nothing subtle. Easy to understand. And so the Clintonian penchant for scandal became universally known and has been an enduring part of his legacy.

    Now, after the lobbyist travel scandal and the Abramoff favors for legislators and the growth of earmarking and the financial scandals that have faced Reps. Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-Calif.), Alan Mollohan (D-W.Va.), Jerry Lewis (R-Calif.), Bob Ney (R-Ohio) and a host of others, there is finally a simple sex scandal for everyone to focus upon. Nothing complicated about this one either.

    It is not that the voters believe that all congressmen are child molesters, nor is it the details of what Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) knew, and when he knew it, that makes this scandal so important. Its centrality stems from the sheer arrogance and hypocrisy it demonstrates both on the part of Foley himself and his colleagues who hushed up the affair until it burst onto the public stage.

    One more pious member of the Moral Majority, one more legislator who makes a career out of fighting for “values” and crusading to protect children turns out to be a hypocrite and an abuser himself!

    One more congressman, a sponsor of legislation to help children, a member of the caucus on abused and exploited children, has abused and exploited them himself. The gap between what Foley professes and what Foley did is so huge that you can sink the entire Republican majority in both houses into the gap.

    And once again, the arrogant leaders of the Congress circled the wagons and looked the other way to avoid investigating or even recognizing the child abuser in their midst.

  22. bj Says:

    New article in the Washington Post–

    Victim Advocates, Fla. Diocese Urge Foley to Name Alleged Abuser

    I’m wondering if Foley was blowing smoke about this in an attempt to garner sympathy. If he did it definitely backfired.

  23. Jarrod Says:

    If TOM PRICE, a rep in a leadership position, cannot call for Hasterts resignation, the old “stand by your man” to “protect your power” stance – then what kind of leadership does he demonstrate? All the leadership bear responsibility for the pages welfare. The idea that no one was overly concerned about the friendly emails shows total disconnection with the real world. The public knows this is how pedophiles groom their intended victims. Foley is sick, sick, sick. Just another indication of what true oversight in the Congress could have exposed. It is so time for a change in Washington. It makes me sick, sick, sick.

  24. Bill Simon Says:


    I suspect Foley was lying about it…just like he lied about his sudden “alcoholic problem”…

  25. John Konop Says:


    It is an insult to real victims of the church if this is not true.

  26. bj Says:

    Well, the Church and victim advocates called him on it. He has to put up or shut up. And if he shuts up we’ll all know he was blowing smoke. But either way what he did was inexcusable. This will just add insult to injury.

    And John, it’s not just an insult to real victims, it’s also an insult to the Church folks who are honest and forthright, and who he just slandered (or is that libel, I always get them mixed up.) One of those church folks has been one of Foley’s best friends– he’s a Priest and was horrified by the pronouncement.

Today's Deep Thought

When I found the skull in the woods, the first thing I did was call the police. But then I got curious about it. I picked it up and started wondering who this person was, and why he had deer horns.


February 2025