Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Call it Internet Guerrilla Warfare At Its Worst…

by politicalvine

Rumors have it that the Gary Black Campaign for Agriculture Commissioner has launched an attack on the website account for the Brian Kemp Campaign for Agriculture Commissioner, and successfully shut it down for the time being.

The attack was in the form of e-mails to Kemp’s Web hosting company claiming that Kemp was sending out tons of “spam.” Kemp’s Web hosting company shut Kemp’s site down and suspended the account.

According to our source in the Kemp campaign, the e-mail addresses of the complainers were not even on the Kemp e-mail distribution lists. So, for them to claim that they were “spammed” is a falsehood in and of itself.

The fact is, e-mails sent out by a political campaign are specifically not considered “spam” in either the federal law or in Georgia state law.

However, not all Web hosting/ISP companies are aware of that specific part of the law, having usually created rules of their own for people to abide by. Most Web hosting/ISP companies are deathly afraid of being accused of allowing spamming to occur, so, their tendency it to act immediately on complaints, whether valid or not, and shut down the accused Website owner.

Currently, we know the Kemp campaign is trying to get their site back-up via negotiations with their Web host. So, contrary to the Black supporters’ claims on another Website, Kemp’s account has not been “suspended” due to non-payment.

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One Response to “Call it Internet Guerrilla Warfare At Its Worst…”

  1. Georgia Girl Says:

    I hope that this is not an indication of how Republicans will be acting between now and election day. Campaign workers need to understand that this type of behavior motivates voters to back the opposing candidate so it is NEVER a good idea.

Today's Deep Thought

It's too bad that whole families have to be torn apart by something as simple as wild dogs.


March 2025