Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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Archive for the 'Georgia Politics' Category

Buddy Carter: The Epitome of Absolute Stupidity

Bill Simon, Wednesday, June 18th, 2014

When Johnny Carson hosted The Tonight Show, he often bantered with the audience when making observations about the weather or traffic or whatever, and he would make a statement like “The Santa Monica Freeway was so backed-up today driving to the studio…” and the audience would respond with “How backed-up was it?” I just happened […]

Mike Jacobs: Supported and Endorsed Indicted DeKalb CEO Burrell Ellis

Bill Simon, Friday, May 9th, 2014

SPECIAL MEMO TO: Mike Jacobs, State Rep. FROM: Bill Simon RE: A Top-Secret Fact About You Dear Mike, How much do you know about the Internet? Well, let me just tell you something you likely don’t know about it, especially with regards to certain websites that are on it. There’s this really fascinating site referred […]

David Ralston: “Hire me and I’ll delay your case”

Bill Simon, Thursday, May 8th, 2014

Now, I’m fairly certain there are many “legislator-lawyers” who abuse the invocation of either O.C.G.A. 17-8-26 or O.C.G.A. 9-10-150 to delay calendar calls or trial dates (and, eventually, you others will be unmasked for your abuses of the system). But, for the moment, we’ll just look at one of you: Attorney David Ralston, State House […]

Nancy Jester Campaign: Fascists Extraordinaire

Bill Simon, Thursday, May 1st, 2014

Introduction Back on March 17th, 2014 a Political Boxers email was issued that covered an event dealing with the Nancy Jester campaign for State School Superintendent. (See here for the article in case you missed it) It seems that the Jester Campaign’s antics exposed by that article failed to stop…and they failed to stop to […]

Derrick Grayson Responds To The Fort Hood Shooting

PV, Sunday, April 6th, 2014

April 4, 2014 Atlanta, GA – In light of the second tragedy at Ft. Hood, a broken soldier takes more lives, including his own. “I was at a Veterans Rally recently. Their biggest complaint was it could take years to get the care they needed. An Army spokesman admitted, “The Armed Forces still transfers paper […]

HD 80: Double-Dipping Mike (Jacobs)?

Bill Simon, Sunday, March 30th, 2014

SPECIAL MEMO TO: State Rep. Mike Jacobs From: Bill Simon Re: Just a few…ethics law violations to discuss Mike, Did you know that my first major was Psychology? Spent a year taking a bunch of psychology and other liberal art courses until I decided “Screw this, I’m going for something way more fun: Mechanical Engineering […]

Todd Rehm gives lessons on how to be Mark Rountree

PV, Monday, March 17th, 2014

Rumors have it that over the weekend at an event in which Nancy Jester, candidate for State School Superintendent was appearing, Jester’s paid political consultant (i.e., Todd Rehm) decided he would channel Mark Rountree in an encounter with political activist Joe Newton. PV ‘Splains Things: In order to understand Saturday’s situation, you have to know […]

The American Jobs Council: Political Fraud

PV, Friday, March 7th, 2014

Rumors have it that any time you hear that American Jobs Council President Cade Joiner is “not a politician, but just a businessman,” THAT statement will be an unmitigated lie. Appearing last November on FOX News w/Chris Wallace, Joiner, a longtime Georgia Republican political insider, went on the air to rant about Obamacare under the […]

Corruption and Incompetence in the Georgia State House

PV, Monday, March 3rd, 2014

Folks, if you ever wondered how it could be that some legislators tell you one thing at a GOP meeting, and then you learn later how they voted for something that completely contradicted what they said…well, all you got to do is take a read of Representative Sam Moore‘s description of “Corruption as far as […]

HB 1033: Mr. (Sam) Moore Goes to Atlanta

Bill Simon, Monday, February 24th, 2014

“No matter what they say it’s about, it’s always about money.” — Bill O’Neil, American Businessman Two movies come to mind to set the mood here to describe all the nonsense from the House GOP folks, the state GOP chairman, and the various and sundry useful idiots acting out their roles: Mr. Smith Goes To […]

HB 1033: A Letter to The Georgia Republican Party State Committee

PV, Sunday, February 23rd, 2014

[PV Note: The below letter was emailed from Bill Evelyn to the Georgia GOP State Committee over the weekend. It is being published here with his permission because it seems as though everyone else in the GOP world decided to air their dirty laundry to the public last Friday, and this is a message in […]

From 1998: David Ralston’s Record of Fighting for Child Molestors

PV, Sunday, February 23rd, 2014

[Source for below post: https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21topic/alt.law-enforcement/dYyFpuVBGcQ] GIVE US BACK OUR CHILDREN, & NATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR FAMILY COURT JUSTICE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Vicki Pierce August 5, 1998 KLEIN ENDORSED BY CHILDREN’S ADVOCACY GROUPS FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL After reviewing past records of Republican Attorney General candidates, mothers interested in protecting children from child abuse and sexual exploitation, […]


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