Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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Archive for the 'Georgia Races' Category

J Max Davis and His Political Pay-Off Financiers

PV, Monday, July 13th, 2015

Rumors have it that the primary contributors to the J Max Davis Campaign for State House 80 are nothing but political insiders vying to grab onto Davis’s coattails so he will continue to feed their hunger for MORE government and MORE Backroom business deals granted to those who got business from the City of Brookhaven […]

Paul Maner Announces Candidacy for GA State Senate District 40

PV, Thursday, July 9th, 2015

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 6/28/2015 CONTACT: Friends for Paul Maner, Inc. (404) 797-8080 info@paulmaner.com www.paulmaner.com Paul Maner Announces Candidacy for GA State Senate District 40 Long-time Atlanta resident Paul Maner has announced he will be seeking the Republican nomination in the upcoming 2016 state election cycle. Running as a conservative Republican, Paul Maner promises to bring […]

J Max Davis & Tom Kurrie: The Joker and his Henchman

politicalvine, Sunday, June 14th, 2015

“Until we have a better relationship between private performance and the public truth, as was demonstrated with Watergate, we as the public are absolutely right to remain suspicious, contemptuous even, of the secrecy and the misinformation which is the digest of our news. - Author John le Carre (circa 1970s, in reference to the Watergate affair) Time […]

Dark Secrets in the Halls of the City of Brookhaven

PV, Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

City of Brookhaven’s Secret Motto: “We treat our employees just like they are our indentured servants.” Rumors have it that tomorrow night’s Brookhaven City Council Townhall meeting is going to be akin to being a political campaign love fest for current Mayor Jerry Max (“J Max”) Davis’s launch for his campaign for State House District 80, […]

PumpkinGate: The Cover-ups – Part 2

Bill Simon, Friday, October 24th, 2014

Cover-up By Dawson County Sheriff’s Office (“DCSO”) Personnel For nearly the past two months since August 23rd, I have been engaged in filing different Open Records Requests (“ORR”) with the Dawson County Sheriff’s Office. To those people who are not part of the Georgia GOP Republican establishment (who are, for the most part, good little […]

PumpkinGate: The Cover-ups

Bill Simon, Thursday, October 23rd, 2014

Prelude There are people involved in the Georgia Republican Party in this state who think that Nydia Tisdale (her first name rhymes with “Lydia”, but begins with the letter “N”) “deserved” the treatment she got on August 23rd, based on the story that is easiest to believe as told by some “witnesses” of the events […]

Sam Olens & Burrell Ellis: Is there a difference?

Bill Simon, Monday, October 20th, 2014

Maybe someone can straighten this out for me because, after spending the amount of time I have spent watching and observing politics in Georgia, my usual fine sense of smell seems to be out of adjustment these days when it comes to smelling corruption. So, is the deal with DeKalb County CEO Burrell Ellis the […]

George Chidi is Gonna Need a Bigger Shovel

Bill Simon, Monday, October 6th, 2014

Perhaps if George Chidi was not a Progressive-Communist…and, perhaps if George Chidi did not think that paling around with the likes of Milquetoast Sell-outs of the Republican Brand like State Senator Fran Millar (Common-Core Lover), State Rep. Mike Jacobs, State Rep Tom Taylor, Candidate for DeKalb Commission Nancy Jester, Political Consultant Mike Hassinger, Political Consultant […]

The strange case of George Chidi…

Bill Simon, Monday, October 6th, 2014

I’m not exactly sure how to explain who George Chidi is…so, I’ll just point to his self-written bio from the blog site PeachPundit.Slime for the “clean version” of him and I will summarize that by telling you this: He is a dyed-in-the-wool Progressive and is exceptional at hiding his true nature from most people. My […]

Nancy Jester Campaign: The Bad, The Ugly, & The Ugliest

Bill Simon, Monday, October 6th, 2014

Last Thursday evening (October 2, 2014), there was the weekly “neighborhood get-together” at Brook Run Park in the City of Dunwoody; a public park. This get-together is comprised of several food trucks that show-up at a particular location, and people flock to the park to partake in the food and socialization. The Nancy Jester Campaign […]

Nydia Tisdale: More Republican Than David Perdue

Bill Simon, Monday, September 29th, 2014

Since August 23rd, there have been several “claims” by several people who were at the Burt’s Pumpkin Farm event that, essentially, run something like this: “Nydia Tisdale is a plant for the liberal media and she set-up that whole scenario to get grabbed by Tony Wooten and arrested.” Well, that’s quite fascinating for people to […]

Will Georgia’s Corrupt AG Olens and Corrupt Board of Regents Be Brought To Justice?

PV, Thursday, September 18th, 2014

This coming Monday (September 22nd), a hearing will take place at 9:30 AM in Room 7220 of the DeKalb County Courthouse (deets below). This hearing before Judge Daniel M. Coursey, Jr. will be about the multiple lawsuit(s) filed against the Attorney General of Georgia (“Sam Olens”), and the holier-than-thou, exalted organization referred to as the […]


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