Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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Archive for the 'Georgia State House' Category

HD 80: Tax Hike Mike (Jacobs)

PV, Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

Rumors have it that were this not an “election year,” HD 80 State Representative Mike Jacobs would be ALL in favor of increasing taxes in Brookhaven and DeKalb County. How could we determine if this rumor is true? Why…one could look at Page 21 of 22 pages of this multi-meeting minutes package of the City […]

Corruption and Incompetence in the Georgia State House

PV, Monday, March 3rd, 2014

Folks, if you ever wondered how it could be that some legislators tell you one thing at a GOP meeting, and then you learn later how they voted for something that completely contradicted what they said…well, all you got to do is take a read of Representative Sam Moore‘s description of “Corruption as far as […]

HB 1033: Mr. (Sam) Moore Goes to Atlanta

Bill Simon, Monday, February 24th, 2014

“No matter what they say it’s about, it’s always about money.” — Bill O’Neil, American Businessman Two movies come to mind to set the mood here to describe all the nonsense from the House GOP folks, the state GOP chairman, and the various and sundry useful idiots acting out their roles: Mr. Smith Goes To […]

HB 1033: A Letter to The Georgia Republican Party State Committee

PV, Sunday, February 23rd, 2014

[PV Note: The below letter was emailed from Bill Evelyn to the Georgia GOP State Committee over the weekend. It is being published here with his permission because it seems as though everyone else in the GOP world decided to air their dirty laundry to the public last Friday, and this is a message in […]

From 1998: David Ralston’s Record of Fighting for Child Molestors

PV, Sunday, February 23rd, 2014

[Source for below post: https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21topic/alt.law-enforcement/dYyFpuVBGcQ] GIVE US BACK OUR CHILDREN, & NATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR FAMILY COURT JUSTICE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Vicki Pierce August 5, 1998 KLEIN ENDORSED BY CHILDREN’S ADVOCACY GROUPS FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL After reviewing past records of Republican Attorney General candidates, mothers interested in protecting children from child abuse and sexual exploitation, […]

HB 1033: The Truth Behind Speaker David Ralston’s Ambush

Bill Simon, Saturday, February 22nd, 2014

In order to more fully comprehend the political circus that played-out on Friday, February 21 in the Georgia State House and the news media with HB 1033, we need to look back in time a few years…back to the legislative session of 2009-2010. In February of 2009, State Rep. Wendell Willard, along with State Rep […]

HD 2 Run-Off Winner: Steve Tarvin

PV, Monday, February 10th, 2014

HD 2 – Election Recap In the Special Election for HD 2 held on January 7, 2014 there were 3 candidates (Florence, Tarvin, Woodruff), and a total of 2,811 votes cast. In the run-off on February 4th between Tarvin & Florence, a total of 3,574 votes were cast…763 more votes than the original race…with Steve […]

HB290: State House Members Want To Kill Businesses

Bill Simon, Wednesday, February 5th, 2014

SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE MEMO TO the following Ga State Reps: (1) Dempsey, Katie 13th HD (RS)* (2) Benton, Tommy 31st (RS)* (3) Clark, Valerie 101st (RS)* (4) Brockway, Buzz 102nd (RS)* (5) Kaiser, Margaret 59th (DS)* (6) Powell, Jay 171st (RS)* CC: Governor Nathan Deal CC: Ga Economic Development Department CC: Everyone Else From: Bill Simon, […]

The Biello Campaign: The Dirtiest of Dirty Rats

Bill Simon, Monday, February 3rd, 2014

Let’s see, so far in this run-off for a Special Election for the HD 22 there have been the following incidents directly connected to the Meagan Biello Campaign: 1) A direct, economic threat made to a business who dared to have a pro-Sam Moore campaign sign in front of their location. 2) Four (4) separate […]

GA HD 80: Catherine Bernard vs. Mike Jacobs

Bill Simon, Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014

My copy of the 3rd edition of The American Heritage Dictionary of The English Language (published in 1992…yeah, a “real book” to you digitally-connected upstarts) defines “courage” according to the following definition: “The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution.” With […]

HB 318 of the 2013 Session: Unconstitutional, but who cares, right?

Bill Simon, Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

Just an update to the story on Sunday, the Bill# passed that did establish the multi-million dollar, taxpayer funded, unconstitutional “venture capital fund” was HB 318. Here is a link to the Bill: http://www.legis.ga.gov/Legislation/20132014/135871.pdf Here are the State Representatives who voted for, against, or who were excused or did not vote on this unconstitutional bill:  http://www.legis.ga.gov/Legislation/en-US/vote.aspx?VoteID=11103 […]

Speaker David Ralston: Defender of Child Molestors

Bill Simon, Wednesday, February 27th, 2013

Warning The following Vine does contain subject matter quite unsuitable to anyone under the age of 18…or, anyone who just got into politics and thinks every elected official should be treated as a deity. Two stories must be told before we get to the meat of this edition of the Political Vine. I’m not going […]


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