Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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Archive for the 'Life & Liberty' Category

Nydia Tisdale: More Republican Than David Perdue

Bill Simon, Monday, September 29th, 2014

Since August 23rd, there have been several “claims” by several people who were at the Burt’s Pumpkin Farm event that, essentially, run something like this: “Nydia Tisdale is a plant for the liberal media and she set-up that whole scenario to get grabbed by Tony Wooten and arrested.” Well, that’s quite fascinating for people to […]

Will Georgia’s Corrupt AG Olens and Corrupt Board of Regents Be Brought To Justice?

PV, Thursday, September 18th, 2014

This coming Monday (September 22nd), a hearing will take place at 9:30 AM in Room 7220 of the DeKalb County Courthouse (deets below). This hearing before Judge Daniel M. Coursey, Jr. will be about the multiple lawsuit(s) filed against the Attorney General of Georgia (“Sam Olens”), and the holier-than-thou, exalted organization referred to as the […]

Pumpkin-Gate: The RICO Effect

Bill Simon, Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014

MEMORANDUM To: Morris “Pepper” Pettit (witness to Burt’s Pumpkin Farm GOP Rally Incident) From: Bill Simon, PoliticalVine.com RE: Your exposure to losing everything you hold dear —————————————————————————— Mr. Pettit, Let me be clear: I am not a lawyer. I do not practice law, I do not offer legal advice….I doubt I could even play one […]

Pumpkin Gate: The Dawsonville Saga Continues

Bill Simon, Monday, September 1st, 2014

Prelude According to the DawsonNews.com website, Sheriff’s Deputy Tony Wooten has been “cleared” of any wrongdoing in his arrest of Nydia Tisdale on August 23rd at Burt’s Pumpkin Farm (and also the secret location of The Clint Bearden Official Training Camp for Former Law Partners of David Ralston on How To Batter Women), located in […]

Terror at Burt’s Pumpkin Farm: Gasp! Someone is recording the speeches!

Bill Simon, Thursday, August 28th, 2014

Introduction If you are not “up” on the bullshit that happened over the weekend on August 23rd at Burt’s Pumpkin Farm in Dawson County, where someone was thrown-out and subsequently arrested for videotaping speeches, these are the links for you to read to get-up to speed very quickly so you can follow along with the […]

Mike Jacobs: Supported and Endorsed Indicted DeKalb CEO Burrell Ellis

Bill Simon, Friday, May 9th, 2014

SPECIAL MEMO TO: Mike Jacobs, State Rep. FROM: Bill Simon RE: A Top-Secret Fact About You Dear Mike, How much do you know about the Internet? Well, let me just tell you something you likely don’t know about it, especially with regards to certain websites that are on it. There’s this really fascinating site referred […]

HB 1033: Mr. (Sam) Moore Goes to Atlanta

Bill Simon, Monday, February 24th, 2014

“No matter what they say it’s about, it’s always about money.” — Bill O’Neil, American Businessman Two movies come to mind to set the mood here to describe all the nonsense from the House GOP folks, the state GOP chairman, and the various and sundry useful idiots acting out their roles: Mr. Smith Goes To […]

HB 1033: The Truth Behind Speaker David Ralston’s Ambush

Bill Simon, Saturday, February 22nd, 2014

In order to more fully comprehend the political circus that played-out on Friday, February 21 in the Georgia State House and the news media with HB 1033, we need to look back in time a few years…back to the legislative session of 2009-2010. In February of 2009, State Rep. Wendell Willard, along with State Rep […]

21 Year-Old+ College Students Have A Right to Self Defense

Bill Simon, Friday, January 17th, 2014

Are you familiar with the expression “comparing apples to oranges?” (If not, phone a friend.) Because, the arguments I’ve heard regarding the pro-side for allowing students to carry concealed guns on campus to defend themselves, and the anti-side to this right are, literally, apples and oranges. I am shocked and dismayed to learn that legislators […]

What is the Columbia County District Attorney’s Office Afraid of?

PV, Monday, November 18th, 2013

The following is excerpted from an article by The Perspicacious Conservative blog: “It’s that icky topic that makes you cringe when you even hear the term: child molestation. It’s a devastating and disgusting crime, one that society condemns so much, we often convict the accused in our hearts and minds before we even hear the […]

Memo To: Cherokee County DA Shannon Wallace

Bill Simon, Sunday, October 6th, 2013

MEMORANDUM To: Shannon Wallace Cherokee County District Attorney From: Bill Simon PoliticalVine.com RE: Your Office’s “Mission Statement” Date: October 7, 2013 On the Cherokee County website, the DA’s page has the following 3-bullet points under “Our Mission”: To seek justice. To act with integrity. To protect the citizens of Georgia. Based on former prosecutors I […]

The Root of All Evil in Georgia – Part 4

Bill Simon, Sunday, September 15th, 2013

So, in looking at other states on whether or not a) they have “sunshine laws”, and b) how they handle them, I came upon a case in West Virginia decided in 2009 by their Supreme Court. Kind of a fascinating case, but I didn’t find the details of the case (as in the decisions being […]


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