Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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Archive for the 'Life & Liberty' Category

The Root of All Evil in Georgia – Part 3

Bill Simon, Sunday, September 15th, 2013

Case #2: Fathers Are Parents Too v. Hunstein – Court of Appeals of Georgia, Decided Feb. 7, 1992 Here is a link to this case. The gist of the case is that Fathers Are Parents Too (“Fathers”) filed a request under the Open Meetings Act to have the meetings of the Georgia Commission on Gender […]

The Root of All Evil in Georgia – Part 2

Bill Simon, Sunday, September 15th, 2013

Sunshine Laws, et al. Whether it is legally defined as the ‘Freedom of Information Act’ (“FOIA”), or a “Sunshine Act” or the ‘Open Records Act,’ the concept behind all of these laws is to make the people who work in government become more accountable to the taxpayers who pay their salaries and expenses. The primary […]

Something is starting to stink in Cherokee County

Bill Simon, Monday, August 19th, 2013

Two weeks ago, arrest warrants were issued by the Canton Police Department against three individuals that accused them of “making false statements” to the police in relation to an incident back in mid-June 2013.  (For catchup purposes you can read this story here in the Marietta Daily Journal)  Since that time period, there has been no […]

The Root of All Evil in Georgia – Part 1

Bill Simon, Friday, August 9th, 2013

Introduction Have you ever pondered why it is that in this state, it is only the Executive Branch of Georgia’s three-legged stool of governance (i.e., Executive, Legislative, Judiciary) that is required to respond to Open Records Requests? Think about that for a moment. The Legislative Branch operates strictly from taxpayer dollars. The Judicial Branch operates […]

2014 US Senate Race: By POE, Phil Gingrey Is Hereby Eliminated…

Bill Simon, Thursday, June 27th, 2013

Process of Elimination Fellow Republican political travelers, do you sometimes find yourself at a point of dismay at having to make a choice among multiple candidates for a primary? I must admit, as I grow older, I look for ways to decrease the amount of information and data that I have to go through in […]

HB 1: Codifying ‘Due Process’ in the Asset Forfeiture Process

Bill Simon, Tuesday, March 5th, 2013

Preface HB 1 is a bill titled the “Georgia Uniform Civil Forfeiture Procedure Act.” It is due on the Georgia State House floor today (Tuesday, March 5th). The bill is 92 pages long, has 3,211 lines of text, and contains approximately 40,000 words (line numbers excluded from that count). If anyone wants to take the […]

Was Obama and White House warned 48 hours in advance that Libyan Embassy was a target?

PV, Thursday, September 13th, 2012

“American officials believe the attack was planned, but Chris Stevens had been back in the country only a short while and the details of his visit to Benghazi, where he and his staff died, were meant to be confidential.” Read the story here: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/revealed-inside-story-of-us-envoys-assassination-8135797.html

Why T-SPLOST is Bad News….

Bill Simon, Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

Watch this video for a factual presentation on the true nature of what the Regional T-SPLOST is about….and what it is not about: Get More Facts at: www.TrafficTruth.net

The Law of Bribes to Influence Government Officials

Bill Simon, Saturday, June 9th, 2012

Prologue If you have not heard about the recent case of Gwinnett County Commissioner Shirley Lasseter getting caught trading votes for money, click that link and read up on it. I’m not interested in discussing that case. I’m going to discuss the bribery that goes on in every county commission, in every government office in […]

HB 397: Attorney General Sam Olens’ Response to ‘Bait & Switch’

PV, Monday, March 19th, 2012

Attorney General Sam Olens responded to our “Part 1” Alert with the following emailed response: “New sections f, g and h were predominantly written by counsel for the AJC and Georgia Press Association to make computer records more accessible to the public. Fire your researcher.” PV Responds: The Research Team of Political Vine examined the […]

Crony Capitalism vs. Free-Market Capitalism

Bill Simon, Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Foreword I’ve been doing lots of thinking lately. I mean a LOT of thinking. I’ve been engaging in a lot of thinking lately because I haven’t spent my time watching ANY of the presidential debates. None. I consider the debates to be nothing but a circus sideshow designed to lure me away from working on […]

Don’t Forget To Thank A Veteran

Spencer Price, Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

Every year, America sets aside a special day — Veterans Day — to thank its veterans for their service and sacrifice. And well we should. Originally known as Armistice Day in America and Europe, the occasion commemorated the signing of the armistice between the Allies (in particular, America, Britain, and France) and Germany at 11:00AM […]


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